Hello, I’m Cromagg, New Member


New Member
Hello, MesoRx community. My name is Cromagg. I’m in my 40s on TRT and have 4 years experience w deployment of other compounds. I get bloods every 4 months and at other times when appropriate or relevant to current situation. I have some years experience w/other AAS deployment also. While I have my own (limited by comparison to others) experiences, I recognize the vast pool of knowledge this community holds. I’m here to educate myself further by reading and engaging in discussions.

I’ve decided to approach my lifting, health/nutrition, sleep hygiene, education/approach to AAS/PED, community etc etc with the same rigor and discipline I applied to my job as a firefighter. I’m serious about my current objectives, including broadening my understanding of AAS/PEDs.

I understand the importance of forum etiquette/protocols and will ensure my interactions here uphold the standards of this community.

I am here to learn, share, and grow (both physically and intellectually).



