
New Member
Hey! My name is J, I’m a 22 year old from the Midwest looking to learn about the side effects and just more of the ins and outs of steroid use. Mainly dianabol but I should educate myself on all of them or more of them at the least to figure out what’ll work for me. I’m fairly new to lifting but have always been in good shape due to the job I do outside of the gym. Good to meet you all and find this forum!
Edit: have never used steroids, I’m 190 fairly lean.
Welcome. I’m new to this forum, but not AAS. You will soon find out that dianabol is probably not going to be a good choice for your first cycle.
Welcome. I’m new to this forum, but not AAS. You will soon find out that dianabol is probably not going to be a good choice for your first cycle.
I appreciate it sir, what do you think would be a worthwhile steroid to research as a first cycle? And injectables seem to be safer than oral due to the liver damage, is that true? But I just planned to try a few cycles not for years likely as it seems to be ridiculously expensive plus the long term damage I’m unsure if it’s worth it. Part of the reason I’m here to figure all the specifics out but i appreciate your advice sir and I’ll listen to that.