Hello, just moved to Canada (montreal) || tanking my test for trt

Hello everyone.

I was doing a bit of research and thought to better get some hints here.

First Cycle
I was living in the Middle East.
Did my first cycle (test-c 500mgs + EQ) there with a trainer.
Until 16 weeks in, I was 205lbs / 15% BF at 5 foot 8.

Planned to switch to cruise at test-c 150mgs per week.
Started having really bad PIP + slight fever + fatigue

At first, I thought EQ was cutting the test-c, so there was no PIP at all. When I was cutting the test-c with just sterile oil, the PIP was still bad.
Tried rotating to new sites, injecting slower, and using pharma grade, but it's not getting better.
At the same time, sides are coming up, e.g. acne.
Then I was coughing like crazy for some reason and my white blood cells were way up. I was in the hospital for 3 days in Dubai. Got kicked out because they think I could do home care. Didn't get better, flew back to my home country, and stayed 7 days in the hospital, they said it was atypical pneumonia.

I didn't really recover and other weird symptoms showed up like stomach cramping, headache and etc.
I have the med ready for PCT (pharma grade asIi could get it in Dubai), I didn't do it because I have been sick for a month or so.
[rather than putting more stuff in my body, I chose to just let it heal. Having said that I got the trt doc ready just in case...]

Only recovered after 8 months fully with a blood test.

Fast forwarder, I moved to Canada for better living.

Got laid off in Dubai because of COVID. The choice is Hong Kong vs Canada. So why not?
Now, Montreal is for life.
Been training regularly ever since May post covid, and now at 200lbs / 17% on a cut.

I am interested in running a cycle again

I am taking PREP + DUT >> I have the quarterly prescription for liver and kidney function + blood panel because of the PREP.


I am missing the cholesterol but I think I can just get it from jack.health for 50 bucks.

Missing hormone panel >> I checked the private doc here. It seems 2000 cad for 12 check-in a year.
I saw here people are recommending onmen.

Say I want to start my TRT journey then blast. How can I tank my test to meet the requirement?
[on DUT, I feel like my test is higher than before, better recovery from gym + libido and etc...]

Reddit suggests sleep deprivation, beer the night before, and not getting enough fat. Is it even realistics?
Eventually, I need to travel, and having a script would be useful.
Does it even work coz my job requirement some travel outside the country like a month per year.

Lastly, Hello Fellow Canadian! Or French Canadian!
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Tones of Canadians here. If you want to get steroid help post in that section. If you are looking for someone to supply ugly. Most of the big hitting Canadians dont read intro. Best of luck and welcome.