I hate that attitude. I don't know about you guys but I hate to lose anything to a thief. If I, or anyone, gets scammed everything should be done to make the thief pay. I ain't going to just shrugged and say, "I'm willing to lose ...." What a chump. Sure this isn't Amazon (oh brother) so we can't file charges in court, that's why in the Black Market scammers and thief's get their legs broken or their throats slit. We make our own laws and penalties. And if NOBODY is gtg then why are you even here? Anybody, legal or otherwise, can go bad and do.
I'm thankful there are some with connects and the know how to track these fuc kers down.
You must be new.
Nothing will come of this. Nobody will get revenge, so just hush now child.
I'm here always on the look out for new sources. There are 3 I have used with great success in the past and will continue to do so but if one day they turn I won't be surprised.