

New Member
Just wanted to say hello to everyone, so I can post about my exp with GA. Anybody that has any positive or negatives about Generic Asia please let me have it. He seems cool. I made an order.

Usually I just lurk and haven't wanted to make an account and join in the chat until recently. In the past I've been able to find everything that I've wanted and more for great deals, but I want to be able to participate in discussions.

Btw I'm around 40, about to go under the knife for ankle and foot surgery, I'm not currently running a cycle. I'm looking into peptides for tendon rehab. Tb500+bp157 sound amazing, hopefully I can get a GH kit with it and test+deca. It'll all be small dose and I'll be working out during the healing process. I can still sit and use barbells or a machine. I don't feel comfortable doing anything standing, even though I can probably do it, it could end up bad. I could injure it worse, or just hit it really hard and cause a lot of pain. Neither of those options sound too good.