Awesome man. Good results too. And great info. TyI don't know where you are but i live in a small country in EU and there are probably 10+ places doing it, i'm guessing in bigger countries there's even more clinics doing it.
Just be careful, it requires a certified SMP technician's licence and not a classic tattoo one.
The one i looked it goes from first to third degree in your head. First degree is the hairline, second degree is hairline + top center and third degree is full top with hairline.
Cost is around 400 per each degree, so depending the severity it can go from 400 to 1200 if you decide to do full top. I believe it requires 2-3 sessions. I'm talking about the shaved look, there's a way doing it like camouflage where they fill only your bald spots between your hair so it can look more full but i don't like this idea because sometime eventually you're going to lose that hair too.
From what i've read in case someone wants to do transplant after the SMP is doable.
I’m in the states so it’s probably readily available nearby I would imagine.