Hair Loss

I don't know where you are but i live in a small country in EU and there are probably 10+ places doing it, i'm guessing in bigger countries there's even more clinics doing it.

Just be careful, it requires a certified SMP technician's licence and not a classic tattoo one.

The one i looked it goes from first to third degree in your head. First degree is the hairline, second degree is hairline + top center and third degree is full top with hairline.

Cost is around 400 per each degree, so depending the severity it can go from 400 to 1200 if you decide to do full top. I believe it requires 2-3 sessions. I'm talking about the shaved look, there's a way doing it like camouflage where they fill only your bald spots between your hair so it can look more full but i don't like this idea because sometime eventually you're going to lose that hair too.

From what i've read in case someone wants to do transplant after the SMP is doable.
Awesome man. Good results too. And great info. Ty

I’m in the states so it’s probably readily available nearby I would imagine.
FYI shedding isn't hair loss. Not growing back is.
How do you effectively distinguish it without waiting eventually for them to grow back?

I did some research and it suggest looking if the bulb is attached to the hairs, or that if the loss is at 100ish hairs max is shedding, but would appreciate some tips to improve my discernment.
How do you effectively distinguish it without waiting eventually for them to grow back?

I did some research and it suggest looking if the bulb is attached to the hairs, or that if the loss is at 100ish hairs max is shedding, but would appreciate some tips to improve my discernment.

With each grow, rest, drop cycle of hair, as the bulb has more and more irreplaceable stem cells murdered by DHT, each new hair cycle produces a thinner hair. When it can no longer penetrate the scalp, that's "hair loss".

The final stage of a miniaturized hair that will not come back is it's very short, Often colorless.

If a long, colored hair falls out it's almost certainly temporary shed.

Some of you bros dont care about hair loss, but it can be a big concern for most of us other bros. I'm 35 and I still have a thick and full head of hair. I am not one of those guys who would look good bald or balding. In some of my cycles years ago, I noticed large volumes of hair falling out in the shower during a cycle. This brought me to the point where I would look in the mirror and say, "What good is there in having huge muscles if my hair looks like crap?" So my search began to find the best possible hair solution, which involves stopping hair loss and even reversing it!

Let me just show you the final results (IN ORDER OF IMPORTANCE), and I will comment on each:

  1. AVODART® (Dutasteride) - Dutasteride was developed to help shrink the prostate and was found to have an even more profound effect on regrowing hair than Finasteride! Not only that, it can take care of more of your DHT, it starts working faster, and stays in your system for much longer. 1 to 5 mg ED is all you need, and it also keeps that prostate down during your cycles. In my book, this is a win/win situation.
  2. PROPECIA® (Finasteride) - Next to Viagra, this drug may have had one of the all time record advertising budgets. Finasteride is a hair loss prevention / regrowth drug. Recommended dose is 1 mg ED and after 6 to 12 months the user may achieve positive results. The reason I write "big 4" in the title of this thread is that it may not be necessary to use both Dutasteride and Finasteride, although there are no known drug interactions. I say roll with Dutasteride if you can and if not then use Finasteride.
  3. ROGAINE® (Minoxidil) - Cheap to buy generic at target in three month supply, Minoxidil blocks DHT on the scalp. After handling DHT within the body via Dutasteride or Finasteride, you can also stop the damage of DHT on the scalp. Use twice a day. I use it after my morning shower and after my workout shower.
  4. NIOXIN® (Cleanser, Conditioner, and Treatment) - Use these Nioxin products as your daily shampoo and conditioner. They work on the scalp to ensure that your skin is healthy. Shampoo removes impurities that clog follicles, including DHT. The conditioner keeps the scalp moisturized. The treatment adds botanicals and nutrients to the scalp skin.
  5. NIZORAL® (A-D Shampoo) - Ketoconazole, the main ingredient in Nizoral, acts as a relatively mild anti-androgen. (Androgen binds to hair follicles and over time shrinks them down, causing thinner and thinner hair.) Use this shampoo once a week for help with DHT.

This hair regiment is not difficult to maintain, and can provide great results. I went from losing my hair to growing it back! It takes a few months to start working, so for the first 6 months have patience. Passing the 1 to 2 year markers using the "Big 4" regiment should yield significant hair gains, or at the very least put an end to your loss.

This article assumes appropriate nutrition, hydration, and sleep.


Thank you for the great info man. I trip about this shit all the time as my hair is hella long and I don’t want it dissapeari
Some of you bros dont care about hair loss, but it can be a big concern for most of us other bros. I'm 35 and I still have a thick and full head of hair. I am not one of those guys who would look good bald or balding. In some of my cycles years ago, I noticed large volumes of hair falling out in the shower during a cycle. This brought me to the point where I would look in the mirror and say, "What good is there in having huge muscles if my hair looks like crap?" So my search began to find the best possible hair solution, which involves stopping hair loss and even reversing it!

Let me just show you the final results (IN ORDER OF IMPORTANCE), and I will comment on each:

  1. AVODART® (Dutasteride) - Dutasteride was developed to help shrink the prostate and was found to have an even more profound effect on regrowing hair than Finasteride! Not only that, it can take care of more of your DHT, it starts working faster, and stays in your system for much longer. 1 to 5 mg ED is all you need, and it also keeps that prostate down during your cycles. In my book, this is a win/win situation.
  2. PROPECIA® (Finasteride) - Next to Viagra, this drug may have had one of the all time record advertising budgets. Finasteride is a hair loss prevention / regrowth drug. Recommended dose is 1 mg ED and after 6 to 12 months the user may achieve positive results. The reason I write "big 4" in the title of this thread is that it may not be necessary to use both Dutasteride and Finasteride, although there are no known drug interactions. I say roll with Dutasteride if you can and if not then use Finasteride.
  3. ROGAINE® (Minoxidil) - Cheap to buy generic at target in three month supply, Minoxidil blocks DHT on the scalp. After handling DHT within the body via Dutasteride or Finasteride, you can also stop the damage of DHT on the scalp. Use twice a day. I use it after my morning shower and after my workout shower.
  4. NIOXIN® (Cleanser, Conditioner, and Treatment) - Use these Nioxin products as your daily shampoo and conditioner. They work on the scalp to ensure that your skin is healthy. Shampoo removes impurities that clog follicles, including DHT. The conditioner keeps the scalp moisturized. The treatment adds botanicals and nutrients to the scalp skin.
  5. NIZORAL® (A-D Shampoo) - Ketoconazole, the main ingredient in Nizoral, acts as a relatively mild anti-androgen. (Androgen binds to hair follicles and over time shrinks them down, causing thinner and thinner hair.) Use this shampoo once a week for help with DHT.

This hair regiment is not difficult to maintain, and can provide great results. I went from losing my hair to growing it back! It takes a few months to start working, so for the first 6 months have patience. Passing the 1 to 2 year markers using the "Big 4" regiment should yield significant hair gains, or at the very least put an end to your loss.

This article assumes appropriate nutrition, hydration, and sleep.


thank you for the info man. This has been the best I have found.
I’ve had magor issues with this and nothing seems to help I run a lot of masterone could this be the issue
Masteron in itself should not cause hair loss in the average person. I lose more hair on 500 test, than I do 200 test and 600 mast.

When my estrogen gets out of range I lose hair a lot more.
I used nandralone phenyl 200 mg per week(+ ~200 test), + ~1.5 mg dutasteride every other day for 4 months.

my experience - in my case deca + duta did not affect or worsen my hair condition.
Masteron in itself should not cause hair loss in the average person. I lose more hair on 500 test, than I do 200 test and 600 mast.

When my estrogen gets out of range I lose hair a lot more.
This is unfortunately not correct. Any DHT derivative is terrible if you’re prone to MPB.

Shedding hair because your E2 is out of range is completely different than being prone to DHT in your hair follicles and injecting the very thing into your body.

The whole mechanism of Finasteride/Dutasteride is limited the conversion of test to dht through 5 alpha reductase.
Yep I did have it.

I think you have to choose your SMP guy very carefully.

Also wear cap or hat. But when you are bald and the Sun gets to bombard your skull without smp you quickly realize you need some cover. Cold? with hair it was okay, without hair its worse. Smp: same. bald guy with smp or bald guy with no smp = hats,caps.

Even barbers who took care of my beard only asked me:" why do you shave your head? it seems like you have full hair". They see lots of skulls, yet can't identify my SMP. I need to shave my head every 2nd day but with the best equipment its literally 2-3 mins.

Its pretty pricey to get good practicioners. It almost costs like a hair transplant in Turkey. You can get shitty jobs for way less tho. But people will be like wtf.
I've been thinking about SMP too, and your experience is very inspiring. It was especially interesting to hear that even barbers don't notice the difference. how long does the effect stay fresh?
Have you guys ever had your thyroid checked? Due to a lot of shedding?

Well worth having it checked out. I was low normal, got on T4, and saw a noticeable difference within 6 weeks. That's not enough for growth to be noticed, but the reduction in shed must've made the difference. Feel much, much better too. Far more energy.
a small amount of Finasteride: 1/2mg every other day
daily biotin pill

every other day a bit of topical rosemary and mint oil
a little topical minoxidil every day
The key is to use both at the same time and REALLY rub it into your scalp. Apply Minox first, then apply the natural oils.

Lost 90% of my hair end of 2022 from covid and gear. It all came back using the above after 4 months.

If you want even faster results, add a little bit of red light therapy to top of head 3-4 times a week, 10 minutes at a time, along with the more potent pill anti oxidants (especially astaxanthin)

No need to go mental and use RU or Dutasteride
a small amount of Finasteride: 1/2mg every other day
daily biotin pill

every other day a bit of topical rosemary and mint oil
a little topical minoxidil every day
The key is to use both at the same time and REALLY rub it into your scalp. Apply Minox first, then apply the natural oils.

Lost 90% of my hair end of 2022 from covid and gear. It all came back using the above after 4 months.

If you want even faster results, add a little bit of red light therapy to top of head 3-4 times a week, 10 minutes at a time, along with the more potent pill anti oxidants (especially astaxanthin)

No need to go mental and use RU or Dutasteride
Speaking from experience. You're pretty lucky if that's all you had to do to regain a lot of hair loss.
Sharing this here in case someone may benefit.

I believe most people here are either on RU58841 or Pyrilutamide (KX-826).

The IC50 values of Ru58851 is 100nM vs Pyrilutamide 0.28 nM.
This means Pyri is significantly stronger at binding to androgen receptors.

However Pyri is also significantly more expensive than RU...theres also no UGL Chinese sources selling it here. For the amount you pay, you can get RU from a Chinese source here, dump a whole lot of it on your head daily and pray that it works. I believe Q does not plan to carry it either which means it's unlikely other vendors would.

RU is usually dosed at 5-8% whereas Pyri is dosed at 0.5-1%.
There's pretty much no trials published for RU on human beings whereas Pyri is undergoing Phase 3 in China.

In the latest trials for Pyri @ 0.5% twice daily, it showed statistical significance in improvements vs baseline but no statistical improvements vs placebo (tldr: it's useless). However this does highlight that Pyri is safe for long term as compared to RU (we dont know).

They are now doing a long term trial on Pyri 1% @ twice daily which will end in 2027, which is expected to have significantly better results than the 0.5% (or not?).

While they undergo seems like they are already selling this directly to consumers as a cosmetic product on Amazon (lol). The 0.5% version is ~70USD a month and 1% version ~130USD. It will last longer if you use it 1x a day vs 2x as per the trials. For reference, the 0.5% version is sold on minoxidilmax for 105USD before factoring in shipping. The plus side for us is that buying from them directly is cheaper than buying from 3rd party vendors..It is sold as KX-826 by Koshine on Amazon.

PS: I have not tried Pyri, I am currently on RU (Doesn't seem to work..maybe my batch was made too long ago?). I plan to switch over once my last bottle of RU is finished. If anyone has tried both RU & Pyri..please do share your experiences. I gain nothing from this post.