Help me with my next cycle. No 3

How’s the anxiety on eq? I would do it but I just don’t want to be stuck with bad anxiety for 5 half lifes
You’re reading too many anecdotes from 160lb keyboard warriors that are playing whisper down the lane. “EQ anxiety” wasn’t even a thing 5 years ago. We need to stop parroting info and come to our own conclusion after we run the actual compound. I suggest you do the same.
How’s the anxiety on eq? I would do it but I just don’t want to be stuck with bad anxiety for 5 half lifes
why not primo or mast?
orals i cycle on end before i jump on cruise.. anadrol is pretty liver toxic and most people cant eat on it..
also your 1,3iu HGH per day is nothing.. how about 4,6,8,10,12?
how much carbs you eating? hows your blood sugar? may add lantus/novo?
why not primo or mast?
orals i cycle on end before i jump on cruise.. anadrol is pretty liver toxic and most people cant eat on it..
also your 1,3iu HGH per day is nothing.. how about 4,6,8,10,12?
how much carbs you eating? hows your blood sugar? may add lantus/novo?
The carbs I eat depends on my goals and my body weight. Usally always try get around 200 grams of protein a day. If I were to go to around that dose of hgh I’d need some ugl stuff cus I don’t have enough perscibed to use that much but it does seem like something to look into. Right now I’m thinking either give npp another try and start at a lower dose and slowly work my way up. EQ or primo. If I were to try EQ I think I’d get EQ Cyp first
@Bigbicep How much bigger are you now? Any new pics? If you’re the same like the last picture you posted with a shirt on, I think you can still grow with just same test amount and more food.

Make a serious push for size and just eat.
@Bigbicep How much bigger are you now? Any new pics? If you’re the same like the last picture you posted with a shirt on, I think you can still grow with just same test amount and more food.

Make a serious push for size and just eat.
Yea I’m alittle bigger then that last photo, I’ll upload some when i have a decent one to show of the before and after. Was thinking I could just up the test or something.
Came to the conclusion that I’m gonna try npp again but this time at a lower dose with some proviron to see if that helps with the sides I was experiencing. If not I’m going to run the same cycle I did last time but up the test. My thoughts on this cycle will be 500test and 200-400npp with 25-50mg proviron, going to start at 500test and 100-150npp and 25mg proviron and see how that goes and taper up slowly. Can I get y’all opinion on this please? One of the main reasons for trying the npp again is that I still have like 9 bottles of it lol
. Can I get y’all opinion on this please?
npp sucks, you already had mental sides from it, and i dont believe in the bro science of using more DHTs to try to counteract the mental effects of npp. I dont touch anything that gives me mental side effects, its just not worth it for like the 1kg of actual tissue it would put on, that stuff is depression in a bottle
npp sucks, you already had mental sides from it, and i dont believe in the bro science of using more DHTs to try to counteract the mental effects of npp. I dont touch anything that gives me mental side effects, its just not worth it for like the 1kg of actual tissue it would put on, that stuff is depression in a bottle
What are the compounds you use ?
npp sucks, you already had mental sides from it, and i dont believe in the bro science of using more DHTs to try to counteract the mental effects of npp. I dont touch anything that gives me mental side effects, its just not worth it for like the 1kg of actual tissue it would put on, that stuff is depression in a bottle
Are you against Tren?

if thats how you looked after 3 years and was earlier this year, you do not need more drugs. you need food as youve been told multiple times on this forum. for some reason you ignore that and continue to add more drugs and resulted in you getting sides from running 400 npp on your second cycle. in what world do you look like a natty and run 500 test, 400 npp for a second cycle? stick to test and actually learn to eat


if thats how you looked after 3 years and was earlier this year, you do not need more drugs. you need food as youve been told multiple times on this forum. for some reason you ignore that and continue to add more drugs and resulted in you getting sides from running 400 npp on your second cycle. in what world do you look like a natty and run 500 test, 400 npp for a second cycle? stick to test and actually learn to eat

Amen !!!!

He will still come back
And ask , why ? How come ? Well what if I ? How bout these 3 compounds ?