Help Required For Forum Experts/ Crash Now Feel Fatigue.


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Hi. This might be a long story but I hope someone here and offer some suggestions to my situation and also answer some questions I have regarding what to get in terms of my blood work.

About 3 months ago. I stopped taking Anavar without slowly coming off the dosage. I had some reactions which was a combination of anxiety/panic attacks and extreme exhaustion and fatigue.

I had several blood tests down and for a short period was given some medication for my high blood pressure which gave me strong headaches. During this time my results showed abnormally high cortisol levels which didn't seem to lower throughout the day.

Initiall blood test showed 29 in the morning when the range was 8-19. About 3 weeks later it was 25 AM and 25 in the PM. All my symptoms pointed to Adrenal Fatigue and/or cushing syndrome. My testosterone was initial 180, 240 and now 340 (348-1197 range).

My overal strength was extremely low. I went through a period with shortness of breath, tightness in the chest which mimic panic/anxiety attack. With my general tiredness I couldn't work out at all and trying would trigger all the symptoms of anxiety attack. I was so tired at one point dreaded walking anywhere or up a flight of stairs. Also headaches made thinking clearly difficult. This occurred for about 6 weeks and now (3 months). I am better than initially but not 100%.

I have seen endocrinologist and a neurologist. MRI showed I have partial empty sella and mild spondylitic changes, duffles panasal sinus mucosal changes. Ultrasound showed thyroid slightly large (size) but no issues. At this point now I have had strong migraine like headaches and strong pain in the lower back. It was strong for 2 weeks but now not as intense. On occasion I feel weak grip, numb and strained feeling on my forearms and hands. I started taking Vitamin D and Calcium.

My only guess is coming off of anavar but besides that, there isn't much else I can point my finger to. Initial endo suggested I have stress and I need to relax.

I just got my latest blood work and it is as follows:

Testosterone 340 (348-1197)
Free Test 1.8 (1.5-3.2)
Free Test serum 60 (52-280)
TSH 1.120 (0.450-4.50)
Androstendione 59 (52-280)
Coritsol AM 13 (8.0-19)
Cortisol Midnight 0.025 (<0.010 - 0.090)
Dehydioepiandrosterne serum 240 (31-701)
Prolactin 17 (3-18)
Grownth Hormone (ICMA) 0.208 (range <6)
Sex Hormone Binding Globulin 17.1 (Range 16.5 - 55.9)
T4 1.63 (0.82-1.77)
Luteinizing Hormone (LH) 3.7 (1.7-1.8)
FSH 3.9 (1.5 - 12.4)
ACTH 20.3 (7.2-63.3)

Currently I have been prescribed Clomid to get my Testosterone level up but really no diagnosis or suggestions.

I am going back to ask about spondylitic changes from the MRI but that relates to spine and pain. My overall feeling is fatigue and slight back pain and headaches. The headaches causes me to be irritable and my libido is low. This is generally constant. Neck strain as well. I thought it was cushing syndrome and adrenal fatigue but Dr. does not think so. For Adrenal insufficiency I was given a suppression test which I passed.

My questions is as follows:

If I get more blood work, what specifics should I ask for. I notice people asking for creatine, iron, magnesium, should I do the same, what would these indicate?

Anyone have suggestions on what might be causing my overall unwell feeling? I have started to try to get do some stretching exercises because I was basically unwell feeling and not much energy. I get tired in the afternoon. My appetite is low and have lost some weight but I do eat.

Do I have adrenal fatigue? What could it be? symptoms are similar.
Sounds like you have a lot going on now, but I don't feel that it all could be attributed to anavar.
Coming off a cycle isn't something that any of us enjoy. Give your body time to right itself and see how you feel in a month.
What was your post cycle treatment/ therapy?
It's been a more than 3 months and I don't feel any better. I started Clomid on 25mg/ every other day but stopped when I started getting side effects (dizzie). I will add that at one point I was given medrol dope pack but I got anxierty/panic attack from it. From researched it sometimes gives anxiety attacks as a side effect.

Based on my numbers from blood work, do you see any areas i can improve? And how should I go about it? Thanks
Sounds to me like you may have simply taken enough var to suppress your HPTA and you are still feeling the effects of no PCT.

I also considered maybe you need to see a psychologist and address your anxiety symptoms. You may actually have an anxiety disorder as well as depression. I have days when I cant get outta bed because believe it or not, depression and anxiety many times cause physical pain like headaches, body pains and lack.of energy / exhaustion...
Thanks for the reply. Yes I was asked to see a psychologist. However I wonder if I can beat my anxiety naturally. To be honest I am not sure what can they do as the MEDROL kicked off anxiety related symptoms which I am at the mercy of how I feel daily. I do have short period of times where I am ok but I generally tired, headaches, and concentration is not that good. I do get dizzy and sometimes I feel like I am fighting with myself to stay 'alert' as I am lightheaded. I have not fainted but feel at times I need to just sit down and relax.

My T levels are low but I want to know, even if I am at the low end of the range. Would I have these symptoms? IF so what are the alternatives to get my t levels up. Thank you.

No PCT actually.. was taking Clomid but made me dizzy. Not sure if it is still the effects of this anxiety (i don't even know if it is) or the climid so I decided to stop.