Help with bloods


New Member
Recently I had some great feedback on getting a proper PCT done before my next blast, from the results attached I'm wondering if there is something missing I was supposed to be checked for? Probably should have asked here first for what to have looked at with the blood work but here is what is there. First 2 will be pre cycle, the third will be post which are attached.


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You didn’t actually include the pre test with testosterone for us to see. What was your pre cycle test level? If it wasn’t as abysmally low as your 11.7 then you haven’t recovered yet and aren’t ready to pin. If it is low then you’re looking at TRT.
The first tests shown with the estradiol marker was my pre test levels, which was 356 free test (196-636 ), now the bloods from the same lab are shown in a different way 11.7 (8.4 - 28.8). Will some clomid and nolva help get things rolling again? Maybe check back in a month or 2 to see where I am at?
You didn’t actually include the pre test with testosterone for us to see. What was your pre cycle test level? If it wasn’t as abysmally low as your 11.7 then you haven’t recovered yet and aren’t ready to pin. If it is low then you’re looking at TRT.
11.7 nmol/L aren't a green light, but that's just my opinion, but it can be that 11.7 is perfect for you, how do you feel so far?
I feel fine energy wise, working 30 days on 2 weeks off in remote location, extreme cold, nothing work wise has changed, day to day I havent seen any issues, but theres alot of info on here from alot of people much smarter than I am pointing towards hurting myself if I start pinning again, just wondering what is the ideal levels to be pinning again and when I can get after it.
I feel fine energy wise, working 30 days on 2 weeks off in remote location, extreme cold, nothing work wise has changed, day to day I havent seen any issues, but theres alot of info on here from alot of people much smarter than I am pointing towards hurting myself if I start pinning again, just wondering what is the ideal levels to be pinning again and when I can get after it.

I think the optimal range is 600-750 ng/dL
Will it be possible to get these levels back or am I running the risk of needing trt for life? I'm actually worried to ever run a blast again
31, first and only cycle. Distol bicep tendon tear threw a big wrench in the chain, switched esters etc and after working out of town long term didnt run a proper pct
Your body will balance itself without drugs as you have not been into heavy usage for long periods of time, just wait some weeks and re-check total test, e2, lh and fsh.

Next time don't forget your hcg