Here we go....


New Member
Greeting all,
I am a newbie to the forum and wanted to introduce myself, coming to you from CT.
I'm a 63 year old, train regularly , eat right and do all that stuff. I'm really glad to be part of a well informed like minded bunch.
Like most here, I'm serious about training and all that goes with it. I've strength trained on and off since my teens, and have always loved it.

My motives are probably the same as most, I want to optimize all parts of my ,body and soul, be complete. If I'm going to be honest, I've always struggled with how I look , I look good actually , but it's more on me that I feel that way. I wonder if many of you ever think that way? I read that training does that to you sometimes ?
That being said, I've made some recent discoveries in my journey and doing TRT and peptides.
I want to put some more lean muscle on and trim a little Fluff in the mid. I'm 5'6" , 198 with about 25% BF, strong and in good shape.
Currently Test cypinate 20 mg once a week on BPC 158, TB500, blend ,CJC295 Ipormorlin blend, Tirzeptide just went up to 5mg 2nd cycle.
Want to try PT141 having some issues at times which is really not good, and DPIS or Pineola for Sleep can't get past the 6 hour sleep mark.
Little nervous about dosing , I currently go to GameDay for men, but as I get more learned I can see I'm paying a kings ramson. I've just ordered my first peps from Syke, Simpe peps and Tydes.
Anyway, thank you for your time and reading thus too long intro.
Glad to be part of a community of like minded people.
PS I read the thread about PT141, now I'm discouraged to try it, thoughts ?
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Why are you "discouraged to try it"?

Are you on daily low dose Cialis? That's probably where you should start anyway, it's also good for your general health, not just your sexual function.
Thank you for the response, I'm going to get my blood work done tomorrow to see how elevated my estrogen levels are if they're high then I'll go to AI. I've tried Cialis it doesn't do anything for me I have no idea why but I've only tried it for one day 20 mg an hour before intimacy did nothing. So I didn't even stick with it for another day or two maybe that's where I went wrong. I typically take sildenafil a higher dose almost 200 mg works like a charm but the last few times since I started trt and the last two weeks nothing. Obviously this place had games. What discouraged me about the PT 141 after reading that very long thread, was that so many people were having a reactions with nausea and if I read it correctly have to go to the hospital get their weenie fixed. I did speak to my clinician he said it's typical that this would happen with your trt in your estrogen levels are elevated easily fixed with AI what what do you think?
Cialis is a poor "on demand" drug for sexual performance, many things can prevent it from working properly, especially food.

Low dose daily on the other hand, is an FDA approved protocol also associated with fewer heart attacks and strokes than men who don't use it, is fantastic, 2:5mg or 5mg will improve your quality of life, especially if you have an enlarged prostate and reduced irons flow, which it's often prescribed to relieve,

PT-141 cannot cause true priapism. In the same way you can't hold your breath until you die, The nausea is brief, and limited to the first few uses,

Seriously consider getting on daily cialis, Takes 5 minutes to get a prescription online, and even without insurance covering it. the appointment and 90 days of cialis will run around $55-60 total.

Alternatively you can buy the same amount of low dose pharma cialis from Indian suppliers from under $30 for an entire year's worth,
I can't tell you how appreciative I am that you took the time to respond. I have almost a full prescription of Cialis on hand almost 90 pills 10 mg each. I'll try that I wonder if you can take Cialis and p141.
I can't tell you how appreciative I am that you took the time to respond. I have almost a full prescription of Cialis on hand almost 90 pills 10 mg each. I'll try that I wonder if you can take Cialis and p141.

Yes, in fact if you have conventional ED, ie the type caused by blocked blood vessels, PT-141 won't always overcome that.

Cialis opens the "plumbing", while PT-141 lights libido on fire. It works in the brain, not the genitals.

You can split those 10s to 5mg, take it every day, and you'll notice improved performance within a week.

There may be minor sides. Congestion, sore back muscles, but in the overwhelming majority of cases, these disappear within a month, so stick with it. It's worth the effort.
I am a little further along than you are and just wanted to say that my e2 plays a big role in sexual function. Too high or too low and I have issues. I am still trying to dial in my e2, and I think it keeps moving on me due to the weight I have lost, but I think I almost have it dialed in. I did a telehealth with goodrx and they prescribed me a daily Cialis which I think helps with sexual function and blood pressure. I started at Gameday until I could get an appointment with a urologist. I took my bloodwork with me and explained the improvements I was seeing with trt and they agreed to manage my prescription.
Thank you for the response and taking the time to post something I am also working with game day and also doing some things on my own. I appreciate you and thank you for your time
You write about weighing more then you want and training off and on. I would suggest eating healthy and loosing 25 pounds of fat get down to a reasonable body fat % like 15% or even a little less. I am 65 and know things don't get easier as i get older. eating right does not lead to being overweight. I find accomplishing goals is what leads to feeling good about ones self. Drugs and compounds really don't do that.
Thank you for the reply, I do eat very healthy and I'm just trying to figure out my metabolism and hormones I train 5 days a week very regularly for the last few years. I supplement accordingly and I think that it's just in my family genetics that we have a tendency to produce too much estrogen? I mean I'm currently running a calorie deficit I'm only eating 1600 calories a day in about 200 g of protein in various forms faster at 50 g and carbs are at about 150 healthy carbs.

I just came back from my clinician he started me on AI half a pill today half a pill tomorrow and recommended 10 mg of Cialis in the morning and that should do the trick let's hope
Thank you for the reply, I do eat very healthy and I'm just trying to figure out my metabolism and hormones I train 5 days a week very regularly for the last few years. I supplement accordingly and I think that it's just in my family genetics that we have a tendency to produce too much estrogen? I mean I'm currently running a calorie deficit I'm only eating 1600 calories a day in about 200 g of protein in various forms faster at 50 g and carbs are at about 150 healthy carbs.

I just came back from my clinician he started me on AI half a pill today half a pill tomorrow and recommended 10 mg of Cialis in the morning and that should do the trick let's hope
Aromatase enzymes cause more E2 in the body. And most of that enzyme is located in bodyfat. So the more overweight a person is the faster the conversion of test to estrogen. Lowering bodyfat usually lowers E2. While genetics do play a part in everything. Lifestyle plays a far bigger role from all the studies i have seen. And there is nothing i can do about my genetics. But there are things i can do about my lifestyle. If you cut your bodyfat in half and E2 goes down then you will know that it was lifestyle and not genetics that were the issues.
Thank you for the response let me tell you what a crazy Journey this has been for the last 2 years I've worked with a couple of excellent I thought to be excellent coaches. The last was a 6-month program and they had me down to eating about six meals a day and my calories were about 1600 round numbers very close. Now I work out 5 days a week, I walk and make sure that I get my 10 to 12,000 steps in every day, I am on a high protein diet. And I didn't lose any weight which doesn't make sense 1600 calories should have been a calorie deficit. The only time I lost a significant amount of weight is when I was on the keto diet but I also lost a lot of muscle but I don't want to do that again. On that meal plan I was eating 1200 calories a day and went from 199 to 168 in about 6 months