Hey Everyone


New Member
Hey Everyone,

Just joined the forum and wanted to introduce myself. I’m a 32yo male living in the USA. I’ve been strength training for over a decade but have made major lifestyle changes the past few years in the pursuit of strength, longevity, and overall physical and mental health.

After spending years struggling with injuries, depression/anxiety, and ED I started TRT last year. To say it’s been life changing would be an understatement. It’s taken many months to dial my protocol in but currently running 200mg/week (28mg ED) test cup with 500iu/week (80iu ED) hCG to prevent testicular atrophy.

I came across the forum because I recently started homebrewing l-carnitine and was looking for a recipe for homebrewed glutathione. I have a formal education in engineering and have worked in lab settings so I have a solid understanding of sterility and chemistry. Looking forward to expanding my knowledge and learning as much as I can from you all.