

New Member
Hey i just got on MESO.. I plan on spending some time on here learning before i say to much lol.. I am new to steroids.. Ive been working out my whole life tho.. I just started running some gear for the summer.. Done a cycle previously.. This is my 2nd time.. Thinking i might blast and cruise.. Hell im almost 40 in good shape.. my diet is about on point (thanks to hard work).. idk got a long way to go.. Im @Skulls roomate lol..
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Thanks everyone.. Skull has been a personal friend of mine for about 25 years now LOL..A solid dude to my book.. Glad to be here..
Oh my, we are certainly sorry to hear that, buddy. We've been just barely tolerating him since 2014 I think it was. Can't imagine two and half decades.;):p
Lmao hes deff a ride or die kinda guy. I cnt hardly stand myself half the time...in fact, im bou ready to set down right damn now;):D:p
Welcome bro..consider using hCG if you blast & cruise, especially if you still wanna have kids or just keep the balls alive

Keep the balls alive!

Now there's a movement I could really get behind! Get the T-shirts and bumper stickers printed up. I am in!

Ironically, in my own experience, the average girl I know prefers the alpha male, providing he is not a dick.

Keep the balls alive.
Welcome bro..consider using hCG if you blast & cruise, especially if you still wanna have kids or just keep the balls alive
Hey Terminator this is a good topic for blast n cruise individuals which I have currently undertaken my self. Anyone please feel free to comment. To maintain fertility to some extent obviously hcg is mandatory but the debatable question is when, how often , and how much hcg? What i have done is every 3 months or so I'll blast 5000iu of hcg in a week. 1000 daily for 5 days for example. What would be the best protocol. I have never been the type to run 500iu hcg weekly for the duration of the blast like some people do. What's your thoughts fellas any hcg experts on MESO?
Hey Terminator this is a good topic for blast n cruise individuals which I have currently undertaken my self. Anyone please feel free to comment. To maintain fertility to some extent obviously hcg is mandatory but the debatable question is when, how often , and how much hcg? What i have done is every 3 months or so I'll blast 5000iu of hcg in a week. 1000 daily for 5 days for example. What would be the best protocol. I have never been the type to run 500iu hcg weekly for the duration of the blast like some people do. What's your thoughts fellas any hcg experts on MESO?

When I was on trt I started at 500iu eod, then 3x/wk mwf, did that maybe a month then I did 250-350iu mwf. Not sure using hCG 4 weeks a year would keep fertility since I’ve read you can have very low to no sperm within 10 weeks of just trt doses, and it takes a minimum of 3 months for spermatogenisis. Sperms need high T levels in the balls, normally T levels are like 50x higher in the balls than in the blood, but roids significantly decrease it which hCG helps.

I’d think the way you do it might be better for atrophy but even for that it could be better to use more often. I liked using low dose hCG when I was on trt, it made me feel better than trt did. Anyway I’m not a dr or anything this is just what I’ve learned from all the pubmed studies/articles
Yeah makes sense. I need to research this area a bit more and it's 2 or 3 times per yr I'd blast hcg but again I don't really know how good or bad the sperm count is. The atrophy is not that bad either so I could care less about that it's fertility that matters. Thanks for your input.
Yeah makes sense. I need to research this area a bit more and it's 2 or 3 times per yr I'd blast hcg but again I don't really know how good or bad the sperm count is. The atrophy is not that bad either so I could care less about that it's fertility that matters. Thanks for your input.

Np, I don’t care about how my balls look either, if they’re smaller balls but function exactly the same as large balls then I’m cool with smaller balls. Some guys remain fertile on trt or have a small amount. If you hit this link it should take you to my pct log where I posted 3 studies re fertility and hCG use. There’s a lot more but only saved those 3. That link will take you to the post the study links if you’re interested

Attempting to discontinue/pct after 20 months on trt