HGH + Accutane


I’ve searched the forum and haven’t seen much on this topic but can HGH & Accutane be ran at the same time? I’ve read HGH prevents cell death so acne just kinda hangs around and Accutane of course gets rid of that but would it work with HGH in the picture? Or would one take a break from HGH to run a Accutane cycle? Someone enlighten me if you would. HGH dose is 4 iu ed and plan on a 10 mg Accutane run to diminish some acne
I can only write form anecdotal evidence, but for me personally it works when running both simultaneously. Currently using 5iu ed and 20mg Accutane and the acne is clearing up. I'm only 5 weeks in, but I'm already seeing positive results.
works better with gh. I notcied great results on 20mg accutane a day with 5-10iu of gh. I used to have bad cystic ance on my back when i was on a lot of test. Literally ran accutane for only 3 weeks and it cleared up completly and it never came back. Accutane has this weird thing where it clears up your skin and the acne never returns.