HGH After Gyno Surgery


New Member
Would I notice a significant difference in my recovery if I started taking 5iu HGH/day the day after surgery for 14 days? I have 7 vials of pharma HGH on hand, so I’m curious if this would help at all. Surgery is Wednesday.
Would I notice a significant difference in my recovery if I started taking 5iu HGH/day the day after surgery for 14 days? I have 7 vials of pharma HGH on hand, so I’m curious if this would help at all. Surgery is Wednesday.
Personal opinion is you won't notice significant recovery from HGH, it really doesn't accelerate all healing like that. I'd try 3iu, especially if pharma.

I went thru the surgery, if done properly and recovery advice is taken by you then you should recover great. Most important is following doctors advice, not stressing the chest too soon, and being careful the first few weeks.
Not stressing, ie. overstretching the skin around the nipple is very important. I couldn't resist and was skating during the first two weeks. I opened the incisions and my left nipple doesn't look too good now.

I also used rhGH during that time, ime it wont hurt ...
I was on GH and TRT Test at the time of surgery. Healed just fine and was back in the gym in two weeks doing some light sessions. YMMV but it sure wouldn't hurt as others have said.