HGH Bloods


New Member
Hi Meso,

Been a lurker for a long time and learnt a lot off this community and have finally decided to give back when I can despite being from down-under.

I recently ordered some HGH (just before xmas) from a supplier in the underground and have given them a real test.

I have been on for about 4-6 weeks now with trt, started at around 2-3iu/day and climb to 5/6 (split twice daily).

The test was done under the following conditions:

Fasted, pinned 10iu worth of HGH IM and waited around 3 hours before getting blood drawn.


Screen Shot 2020-01-02 at 6.04.49 pm.png

I am waiting for a few other people who I personally know are testing the same brand and will report the findings in a decent review on said supplier (if its turns out it shit, ima tear them a new asshole, if not they keep their old one).

Cheers fellas :)
Do you have baseline IGF testing pre gH?

I am not familiar with serum numbers but 4xs normal range is legit no?
Do you have baseline IGF testing pre gH?

I am not familiar with serum numbers but 4xs normal range is legit no?

Its been a while since I have run growth and this is the last checkpoint before I will give it my stamp of approval.

If it helps: Conversions of results.

IGF 741.953 ng/nL (if I converted it to US lab units)
My guess is opti anyone else wanna guess?

Couldn't get opti's easily past the gates of hell (aussie customs) so we decided to go with someone else.

I have 2 sets of bloods from the supplier now and can say it was OneQ. I tested both the white (non buffer, freeze dried) produced and the one produced and stored in the buffer mix.

I will write a full review on their underground section shortly.

If I can find a copy of my base-line IGF, I will also add that into the results for peoples analysis.