HGH related side effects - long term users experiences

Dear community,
with the situation of high access of great quality HGH generics I guess many of us get tempted using this compound. As with every compound I assume side effects are pretty much individual as individual human bodies are.

Id be highly interested in users experiences regarding side effects.

How did it affect your insulin sensitivity (obviously dose dependant, but nobody wants to end up as a diabetic) at which doses if you monitored it?

What impact did it have on the left ventricular enlargement of the heart considering RR levels being held in range? If so, how long did you use it and at which dose those unwanted side effects occured?

Being unexperienced using GH and just knowing it should be used for prolonged periods of time (6++ months) how many IUs would you consider start being beneficial regarding fat loss or a synergetic effect with other AAS (TRT, TRT+ or lower dose cruises)?

My personal rationale would be to use the lowest effective dose using synergies between compounds to be more "sustainable" in the longer run as for anti aging and maintaning a pretty lean phyisque year around.

Thank you for your input guys!

Unless you are running high doses and pounding food, your insulin sensitivity should be fine. Water retention will be the issue that most people deal with. So carpal tunnel and blood pressure can be issues. Honestly at low doses, as you familiarize your body's response, you should have no issues. Of course we're all biologically different but many many guys use HGH with zero issues. In my opinion, and it's just my opinion only, two to four IUs should have no negative effects on a lot of positive effects over time. If you have some time, read the book called "Practical Application of HGH"...by Helix. It will give you everything you need to know. Good luck.
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Frankly I'm enamored with the safety profile, which to me = sustainably, of secretagogues.

In my admittedly very limited layman's understanding:

Tesamorelin keeps all the mechanisms of natural GH release intact, but cranks up the output. No crazy spikes. It keep levels within physiologic range as well (typically). You just make more. as if you turned back the clock.

Ipamorelin also stimulates GH release, but in a different manner and can blow beyond physiologic levels. This is tempting, maybe as a dose before bed to get more dramatic HGH like results, but I'm just starting to look into it.
Frankly I'm enamored with the safety profile, which to me = sustainably, of secretagogues.

In my admittedly very limited layman's understanding:

Tesamorelin keeps all the mechanisms of natural GH release intact, but cranks up the output. No crazy spikes. It keep levels within physiologic range as well (typically). You just make more. as if you turned back the clock.

Ipamorelin also stimulates GH release, but in a different manner and can blow beyond physiologic levels. This is tempting, maybe as a dose before bed to get more dramatic HGH like results, but I'm just starting to look into it.

I should educate myself more about those peptides. However, I just had in my mind if HGH is affordable for one (which is nowadays the case for most people), why dont just go for it directly and have a more calculated risk on effects/side effects which makes it easier to manage - assuming one is aware and informed about how it works.

But I dont have enaugh knowledge to compare the pros/cons of these peptides vs HGH.
I should educate myself more about those peptides. However, I just had in my mind if HGH is affordable for one (which is nowadays the case for most people), why dont just go for it directly and have a more calculated risk on effects/side effects which makes it easier to manage - assuming one is aware and informed about how it works.

But I dont have enaugh knowledge to compare the pros/cons of these peptides vs HGH.

Tesa has dropped like HGH, $100 for 50 2mg doses, and while a perfect comparison can't be made, if considering an "anti-aging" dose of 2-4iu/day, either will cost roughly $2/day. GH isn't released in isolation with Tesa, but other complementary hormones as well, though I don't know what the specific advantages are, it is a match for the natural process of GH release
Tesa has dropped like HGH, $100 for 50 2mg doses, and while a perfect comparison can't be made, if considering an "anti-aging" dose of 2-4iu/day, either will cost roughly $2/day. GH isn't released in isolation with Tesa, but other complementary hormones as well, though I don't know what the specific advantages are, it is a match for the natural process of GH release
Sounds highly interesting to get deeper into it. I am just always trying to weight out the potential sides (I dont know for how long this substance was used, clinically tested etc).
I think the safety profile is much better and well researched with hgh than ghrp after a ton of research personally.

Obviously you need to make your own judgements regarding risk, but in case you're not aware, Tesamorelin is an FDA approved pharma produced drug, with the longest use by patients who've been taking it daily for around 20 years. No problems with long term use have been found so far.

It's not some random experimental peptide.

Supraphysiological doses of HGH don't have a long term safety profile like that.

Obviously you need to make your own judgements regarding risk, but in case you're not aware, Tesamorelin is an FDA approved pharma produced drug, with the longest use by patients who've been taking it daily for around 20 years. No problems with long term use have been found so far.

It's not some random experimental peptide.

Supraphysiological doses of HGH don't have a long term safety profile like that.


I know this. Wasn’t really looking to debate just sharing my conclusions after an abundance of research.
I know this. Wasn’t really looking to debate just sharing my conclusions after an abundance of research.

Ok, lol. You've put all that effort into research and just wanted to announce your conclusion that Tesamorelin is more risky than long term high dose HGH but "I'm going to keep the reasons to myself".
Ok, lol. You've put all that effort into research and just wanted to announce your conclusion that Tesamorelin is more risky than long term high dose HGH but "I'm going to keep the reasons to myself".

I’ve written about this at length in other more appropriate threads. I just wanted to input so you’re not the only voice in here pushing morlins with a hell of a lot less research behind them when people are asking about gh.
IME you can "study/research" all you want people (as you should) , but "ACTUALLY USING " hgh is the true fire way to see how "each individual" responds to a said dose and dosing protocol ,,ymmv ,,,,, Thank you , have a good day Meso
Hey. It’s not a long history of use but: 2-3 IUs daily of Chinese generics for 1.5+ years… coming from history of Tesa/Ipamorelin use for about 8 months prior, for me, was dosing 350 mcg - 500mcg Ipamorelin 1x at wake and 1x at bed, and dosing Tesa 1mg before bed. This combo I felt *did* contribute to leaner physique, improved sleep and so forth. Finding that 2-3 IU GH before bed is seemingly cheaper if not close to same cost with better ‘results’ I’d argue in my specific case. This was not in the presence of AAS / TRT. Bloodwork with Tesa/Ipa yielded cortisol outside of reference range (not that ‘felt it’ but it was there.) bloods on just GH no issues with cortisol. I only made the switch for less injection frequency and connivence really, as I’ll be going to 4-5 units soon with next cycle.

No blood glucose issues ever. (28 yo Male, 190 LB, ~15% BF, good aerobic shape + resistance training.) Blood glucose ~75-90 tested spatially at wake, before bed, during day, all random times… with meals maybe 120-140 max about 30-45 min after etc.

Started 210mg Test P / week last week and after 4 weeks and blood work to follow. Will be going to 4 IU after 4 week mark.

Hope this helps.
I've been using this for at least 12 months, experimenting with various doses and schedules. My lowest dose was 2 IU, and I’m currently at 10 IU. I’ve found that taking a bolus dose before bed minimizes any noticeable side effects.

My current coach has me taking 4 IU IM immediately after training and then another 6 IU before bed. So far, I haven’t noticed any changes in side effects with this approach.

To be completely honest, the only side effects I've experienced have been tingling and numbness in my hands and feet, which feel bloated—as if I’ve just indulged in an all-you-can-eat buffet for a week, with all those calories and sodium lingering in my extremities.

On the positive side, I've noticed improvements in my skin, better sleep, enhanced recovery, and I’ve managed to maintain my weight and physique even after indulging during the holidays.

I'm a big fan of this; it’s one of the few things that works well for me. Conversely, I have friends and a training partner who struggle to tolerate more than 2 IU.

