Hey. It’s not a long history of use but: 2-3 IUs daily of Chinese generics for 1.5+ years… coming from history of Tesa/Ipamorelin use for about 8 months prior, for me, was dosing 350 mcg - 500mcg Ipamorelin 1x at wake and 1x at bed, and dosing Tesa 1mg before bed. This combo I felt *did* contribute to leaner physique, improved sleep and so forth. Finding that 2-3 IU GH before bed is seemingly cheaper if not close to same cost with better ‘results’ I’d argue in my specific case. This was not in the presence of AAS / TRT. Bloodwork with Tesa/Ipa yielded cortisol outside of reference range (not that ‘felt it’ but it was there.) bloods on just GH no issues with cortisol. I only made the switch for less injection frequency and connivence really, as I’ll be going to 4-5 units soon with next cycle.
No blood glucose issues ever. (28 yo Male, 190 LB, ~15% BF, good aerobic shape + resistance training.) Blood glucose ~75-90 tested spatially at wake, before bed, during day, all random times… with meals maybe 120-140 max about 30-45 min after etc.
Started 210mg Test P / week last week and after 4 weeks and blood work to follow. Will be going to 4 IU after 4 week mark.
Hope this helps.