Hi all, New here but not new to the gym scene


New Member
Hi all. Figured Id introduce myself. Im a 58 year old retired construction worker who has gotten back into the gym scene. Ive always worked out since I was a kid, and through my working career. In my 30's my gym partner and I dabbled in PED's and had some awesome results. Through the years Ive worked out in my basement as time and family lifestyle has allowed. Now that Im retired and the family thing is done, my wife and I have returned to the gym to maintain our health and lifestyle.

Fast forward a few more years and my goal is to get some size while still maintaining health - this is a balance, I know. The only competition Im looking to do is with the man in the mirror. Ive tried a few rounds of SARMS with good results, and wanted to hit the 'real' stuff again. My idea is to run 1-2 cycles a year for some gains and to maintain quality of life. At 58 and 6' weighing 215 pounds, Im told that i look good, and of course like a typical gym rat I want more.

Im looking forward to learning and hearing from the more experienced members here.

See you at the gym.
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