HI liver values.. help?


New Member
Okay guys so i did a longer cycle than expected for an upcoming competition.. it was a 24 week cycle which consisted of

test 500mg/week - 24 weeks
week 1-4 anadrol @ 100mg
deca weeks 1-14 @ 400mg, swapped out for tren at week 12-24
masteron weeks 12-24 @ 300mg/week

and winny @60mg weeks 18-24

something along these lines, i'm at work right now so i don't have time to write it all out perfectly as i did it, but this is the jyst of it.. this being said i have one week left

got blood tests and everything was good except for my liver.. i don't really know what any of these tests are except for ALT and AST but both of those are high which i've never actually had before, and due to my doctor being away a week i didn't know how to go about anything right now, i stopped winstrol 1 week before the end of my cycle for starters though, i don't drink, so that's not the cause

i don't know what a lot of this means but i don't think it takes a genious to realize my liver is fucked

these were the results

billirubin total 7 normal range <20
alkaline phosphatase HI 140 normal range 40-130
gamma glutamyl transferase 14 normal range 14- 62
Alanine Aminotransferase 59 normal range <50
Aspartate Aminotransferase 46 normal range <36

so as you can see ALT and AST are high.. gamma glutamyl thing is normal but i have no idea what that even is so yeah

never known to have high liver values, but don't get blood work as much as i should, that being said are these considered "dangerously" high? or is it possible to have like over 1000 ALT and AST

i read some threads where people were at 200 etc, nonetheless, this doesn't look so good, dropping winstrol for starters,

any ideas how i should go about things to get these down if it's even possible?
oh and that being said i started with tudca and milk thistle, but ran out a bit ago.. so stopped using, wasn't a bright idea, i know, just never thought i'd really need it.
Hi liver values, I am Grrr. I think you are fine. They are just slightly elevated and that is because of the winstrol. Your liver isn't going to die, it will heal up just fine.
Well, you ran a 24 week cycle and got blood work drawn while running 12 weeks of tren and 6 weeks of winny. I’d be surprised if your liver values weren’t elevated.
How is cholesterol?
Dont worry brother. I was using 2 sarms once...no side effects right? Well my liver values were almost 3x yours. 10 weeks later they were down to the 70's. Take some turmeric. My Indian internist says it's a good idea. ;)
I've had slightly elevated liver values since I can remember. Dr tells me it's fine that plenty of healthy people can have higher liver values.

What do you think @Roger rabbit
I've had slightly elevated liver values since I can remember. Dr tells me it's fine that plenty of healthy people can have higher liver values.

What do you think @Roger rabbit

Yeah some people have higher liver enzymes and live normally. Same can be said with many other things in the body.

These values aren’t the worst I’ve ever seen for sure.

But like others mentioned tumeric is good of course, and some good old fashioned water.

I do however suggest next time to get more blood work done.. especially for how long this cycle was....

If it were me I would have gotten liver checked after my anadrol run before I started tren.Then if everything looked fine I would proceed.

Second time I would have gotten blood done is after I was done with the tren section and before I started winny to ensure everything looked fine.

Then the third time would be at the end of cycle.

I think part of the op budget next cycle should be blood work. Catching something early and adjusting is much better than waiting till it’s too late to adjust and figure out how to correct a major issue.
One must also consider that hard workouts damage muscle tissue and release the enzymes into the blood stream and raise those numbers. MMA training, long distance runs, etc will raise the AST/ALT numbers, I don't do any training 3 days prior to bloods for this particular reason, I know it's hard for us meatheads to do...