High E2


New Member
Advice needed first time estrogen this high, I pin twice weekly totaling 220mg. I don’t take anything else I don’t really have any symptoms unless joint pain is one anybody ever get near this? I’d really rather not take AI.


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Just take an Ai man. Even if you accidentally crash your estrogen, it'll return back to normal within a week or two after stopping the AI. Still beats abnormally high estrogen and gyno
Just take an Ai man. Even if you accidentally crash your estrogen, it'll return back to normal within a week or two after stopping the AI. Still beats abnormally high estrogen and gyno
How would I know if this is an ultra sensitive test or not. I attached my previous test from the lab


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If it's a real 193pg/ml you probably need to get this down soon. With these test levels there's no need to hover around more than 50pg/ml. You're either a heavy aromatiser or it's a lab error. If i was you i would go check it again and not in the same lab if possible and if it comes the same then take an AI.. Your buddy got a limb dick because he probably overdid it..
Previous test had a different range.


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How would I know if this is an ultra sensitive test or not. I attached my previous test from the lab
Not sure what you're asking. You have the answer you need. If you don't want to do anything to actually fix it then idk what else to tell you mate

Simply dropping the test dose isn't going to fix your abnormally high estrogen level
Not sure what you're asking. You have the answer you need. If you don't want to do anything to actually fix it then idk what else to tell you mate

Simply dropping the test dose isn't going to fix your abnormally high estrogen level
I have two different ranged test so no I don’t have the answer I need, I’ll just retest with someone else instead of being recommended ai, absolutely 0 side effects of high e2 but your answer is hop on something with side effects lol I’m good.
Both ranges you posted have the same unit, they're both in pg/ml so i find it irrelevant that one goes to 400 and the other is normal. Probably the one that goes 400 it has the range of females, either by mistake or someone at the lab saw the abnormally high estrogen and thought the sample belongs to a female and wrote the current ranges. Just a hypothesis. Also, the ultrasensitive or high sensitive comes with a HS in front and usually comes in a smaller range

Was curious, so I looked it up. 200mg averages out to 1,112 ng/dl

"A PK study evaluated serum levels of testosterone periodically for 14 days after administration of TC 200 mg IM in 11 hypogonadal men (42). The mean Cmax was supratherapeutic (1,112±297 ng/dL) and occurred between days four and five post-injection. After day 5, testosterone levels declined and by day 14 the mean Cavg approached 400 ng/dL. These large fluctuations in serum testosterone over a 2-week period illustrate the less than ideal kinetics of TC IM injections."
Both ranges you posted have the same unit, they're both in pg/ml so i find it irrelevant that one goes to 400 and the other is normal. Probably the one that goes 400 it has the range of females, either by mistake or someone at the lab saw the abnormally high estrogen and thought the sample belongs to a female and wrote the current ranges. Just a hypothesis. Also, the ultrasensitive or high sensitive comes with a HS in front and usually comes in a smaller range
Was thinking the same thing. But looking at it more I think OP just got the wrong test for estrogen, at least not what most of us end up getting. It's also not the same test as his earlier one so you can't compare between them.

Using Quest since that's what he used for the latest results.

OP's test w/ high results:
439 - Estrogens, Total, IA - Quest Diagnostics: Test Directory

The recommended ultra-sensitive test:
30289 - Estradiol, Ultrasensitive, LC/MS - Quest Diagnostics: Test Directory

Regular cheap estradol test:
4021 - Estradiol - Quest Diagnostics: Test Directory

You're comparing the estrogens (probably E1+E2+E3) test with estradol (just E2).

Good news is you're in range for the estrogens test. If you aren't feeling any side effects you don't need an AI imo.

Disclaimer: No guarantees I got this right. Just some dude on the internet who doesn't know what he's talking about but has access to Google.
Are you sure this bloodwork it's yours? Your tt is 770 which is very low for 220 per week. Also the e2 is totally in range..what's happening?
If he injected it 1x per week it's very possible, I get 600's on 200mg TC 1x pw.

@gandalfscousin it is very high, but in general what symptoms do you feel?

Sometimes elevated or even high estrogen is not an indicator of some problem, of course depending on your TT, FT and SHBG.

You should always try different injection frequencies and see how you do.

Also body changes overtime, I used to need lots of AI for 400-600mg Testosterone E/C and later on I needed maybe 0.25mg e3d.
@lukiss96 check first post brother, he says he injects twice a week so i assume 3-4 days max after the pin should have him higher.

Although it's person dependant, i know the more muscles you have the less TT you get from the same dose.
@lukiss96 check first post brother, he says he injects twice a week so i assume 3-4 days max after the pin should have him higher.

Although it's person dependant, i know the more muscles you have the less TT you get from the same dose.
Yes, I should have been more clear. I meant it's possible for such dose to get low TT.

That's interesting, your TT from the same dose changed over time?
Yes, I should have been more clear. I meant it's possible for such dose to get low TT.

That's interesting, your TT from the same dose changed over time?

Me personally i haven't see it since i'm only been 4 months on juice, but if you watch closely all the magic numbers are coming from inexperienced guys with low muscle mass who start test, like 250 giving them 2800, trt dose of 150 having them on 1500 etc while buff guys with big amount of muscles may stay at 1100-1200 with their "trt" dose of 250 test.

With 210 test and everyday injection plus 500 IU x 3 HCG it gives me 1450 TT. But that's the every day number, no peaks and troughs.

So if two injections give him 770 TT with 220 that means the day after shot it reaches max like how much? 1100? Still isn't that consider low to be on the upper limit with 220?
Was thinking the same thing. But looking at it more I think OP just got the wrong test for estrogen, at least not what most of us end up getting. It's also not the same test as his earlier one so you can't compare between them.

Using Quest since that's what he used for the latest results.

OP's test w/ high results:
439 - Estrogens, Total, IA - Quest Diagnostics: Test Directory

The recommended ultra-sensitive test:
30289 - Estradiol, Ultrasensitive, LC/MS - Quest Diagnostics: Test Directory

Regular cheap estradol test:
4021 - Estradiol - Quest Diagnostics: Test Directory

You're comparing the estrogens (probably E1+E2+E3) test with estradol (just E2).

Good news is you're in range for the estrogens test. If you aren't feeling any side effects you don't need an AI imo.

Disclaimer: No guarantees I got this right. Just some dude on the internet who doesn't know what he's talking about but has access to Google.
Nah you hit the nail I called them I got retested waiting for results.
Me personally i haven't see it since i'm only been 4 months on juice, but if you watch closely all the magic numbers are coming from inexperienced guys with low muscle mass who start test, like 250 giving them 2800, trt dose of 150 having them on 1500 etc while buff guys with big amount of muscles may stay at 1100-1200 with their "trt" dose of 250 test.

With 210 test and everyday injection plus 500 IU x 3 HCG it gives me 1450 TT. But that's the every day number, no peaks and troughs.

So if two injections give him 770 TT with 220 that means the day after shot it reaches max like how much? 1100? Still isn't that consider low to be on the upper limit with 220?
It could be many factors that play here, some just are overresponders or vice versa.

Shbg plays a big role too. Hell, even half life of drugs can differ significantly from person to person, that's why some studies put out numbers with ± symbol. I know I metabolize drugs faster than normal, so for me injection frequency must be on on point, I use TU for a cruise and it's almost perfect.

It is possible that weight or lbm affects TT. But again everyone is so different it's hard to guess, since I don't change too much anymore I can't really compare it now. It would be interesting to see how (if) it changed over time.

Yeah, that's quite low. But again we don't know who that person is, maybe he accidently skipped one injection without noticing, maybe he accidently injected subq and his response is different, or mayve he needs to adjust his inj freq like yours or eod due to shbg/fast metabolizm.

For all we know, it could be anything in between or not related at all. That's why it's important to adjust and find what works for you.