High estradiol on bloodwork where do i start?

I'm on 200mg test weekly I pin twice weekly.
I'm also taking 300 iu hcg eod do to lack of sauce. (Not that ive noticed a difference yet) I take 5mg tadalifil daily. I also take Hydrochlorothiazide and Fenofibrate daily.
Now I could lower the amount of test I take but I kind of like how it feels at this level. I'm thinking of starting a AI. Honestly I've never taken one. I don't know where to start or what dose. Another option could be starting primo? But I don't want to go to crazy on adding compounds. Thanks for any opinions and or options/advice.


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I also wouldn't mind find something to increase my fsh for fertility reasons. I was thinking clomid but if I'm not mistaken there is an injectable fsh.
I've never seen fsh outside of a compounding pharmacy. My trt doc prescribes it if needed. Your total t is above TRT range and I'm the type to believe you aren't doing trt if you need an AI. That's your choice though. AI's have their own set of health detriments and negative consequences so I would never want to be on one long term, especially arimidex. Aromasin is a much better choice health wise. 100pg/ml e2 is high but if you aren't having symptoms of high e2 I wouldn't worry about AI. I don't like to chase lab ranges. They are based off the average male and that's not you at 200mg testosterone/week. If you have symptoms or you feel being in range is preferable lower your testosterone dose.

With HCG you can easily do M/W/F so you don't have to keep up with EOD schedule. I was naturally hypogonadal with low test and a low sperm count and was having trouble getting my wife pregnant. When the tests came back my doc put me on trt. After we got my dose figured out we started HCG 500iu MWF and my wife got pregnant pretty quickly after that

Starting primo is also not trt but that's your call. Just double the test and run a cycle at that point. I don't see the point of taking primo at a low dose anyway unless you're just using it as an AI. It could help bring down your e2 without needing an AI but you're still long term running a second anabolic. What will that do to your health in the long run? I can't say. You could also drop the HCG until you're ready to knock someone up. That will drop your total t and e2. I did not at all like the way I felt on HCG personally
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Primo at lower doses to keep e2 from climbing too high is popular. It would require more blood work to get the Primo dose dialed in. It shouldn't wreck your any health markers but YMMV.
But just like @xrayphoton13 mentioned, dropping the HCG would work.
And it would be the easiest, fastest thing to do that would drop the estrogen. And a whole lot less complicated.
What is your BF%? Higher % often have higher aromatization of test to estrogen.
I'm not sure my BF% the calculator say 14.8% but I don't really any anywhere I can see. I'm mostly muscle I do have a huge chest (muscle no tits). I'm just shy of 6ft tall 220pds. 32 in waist. Other than the markers shown my absolute eosinophils is high at 537 and my hemoglobin is 17.5 and hematocrit is 51.3. They have been since my last deca cycle awhile back. My cholesterol is a joke hdl is 28 and my triglycerides are 198. They don't seem to change regardless of diet and where high far before my testosterone use. Hcg is for fertility so I have to keep it for at least 6 months. If all goes as planned. I have quite a few health problems Hypogonadism, hypothyroidism ptsd etc... I know 1457 is high but I feel good at that range and lower not so much. Keeping my libido up is important as well. I like to be able to be active at least twice a day. Before the hcg a year ago I was tested at the same dose 200mg test cyp at 1190. The doctors also increased my thyroid med so that might have something to do with it as well. For some reason regardless of dose testosterone seems to drive up my estrogen. Even when I first started at 30mg I was noticing unusual sensitivity. Granted my original test levels where around the average women's lol. I work out 6 days a week do cardio every other day I eat fairly well. I'm thinking maybe I should lower the test c and add primo start with like a 150 test c 50mg primo. Or maybe 150 test 100 primo. Keeping my gains is very important to me. I never want to feel like I'm weak again. I spent more than a year paralyzed (back injury) before getting back up on my feet and getting in shape. Sorry for all the info scrambled together like that. Thanks for the help guys.
It’s simple
Either you do daily shots this will keep everything stable and you will lower your e2
Or you continue what you do and not worry about that RED marked outside of the ref range as long as you feel great..
On the other hand you can add primo to lower it
Or masteron to mask symptoms if you have them
Add a quarter of aromasin 3 times a week and do blood work again after a month let’s say Sunday morning assuming you do M/Th your t shots and AI will be taken on M/W/F this way you’ll know your exact numbers 2 days after last AI dosage and 3 days after last T injection
I ended up just starting myself on 100mg primo e just to see where that takes me. I'll be incorporating it into my twice weekly test c pins. So 100mg test c and 50mg primo twice weekly with 300iu hcg eod and 5mg tadalifil daily. I'll test again in four weeks and see what my levels look like. Thank you for the input and help guys.
Exemastane ASAP. I'd do 25mg right away then 12.5mg with each pin. Wait a couple weeks then pull another E2.

Primo might work, but it might not. Exemastane will definitely work.
Would go with Primo or masteron but would lower the Ratio to 100mg Test and 25mg Primo because E2 is not so high and you have no symptoms
I would just increase your injection frequency first, then explore an AI if otherwise; you shouldnt be using primo unless you have a need for more anabolic support, not just using it solely for the sake of it being an AI.

I would start w arimidex over exemestane. Arimidex can be less punishing on the body since its not suicidal, meaning if you do accidentally take too much, your estrogen will recover / rebound faster as opposed to it being killed off w a suicidal inhibitor like exemestane; you could switch to exemestane down the road once u dial in a dose.

Best approach is just to start w .25mgs at a time. When u get high e2 shmptoms, take .25, then try not to take anymore as long as you can until you ride out the next e2 rebound (really try to ride it out, see how high u can bring e2 back up), then rinse and repeat. If you feel better each time you redose, then you’re doing this correctly.

As you repeat this process, take note of the frequency / pattern of how often you take the .25mg increments. If you find youre taking multiple doses w/in the same day, then you can graduate up to .5mg increments if needed, then 1mgs l, etc (very unlikely you’d need these increments at just 200 a week, prob .25 2x a week at most). You essentially will pick up on a pattern of what increment and frequency to take it (ideally daily to 2x a week), and youll have your dosage dialed in.

I love arimidex, very flexible to use, I hate exemestane; I always have some occassions where I misuse my AI when adjusting dosages and the non suicidal property is a life saver when mistakes are inevitably made.
Unfortunately this did not work out. Had my blood drawn at the doctors office for usually panel and my bloods crazy thick and my Triglycerides are twice the high level. They wanted me to stop everything. But we met in the middle and I'm on 130mg of test c a week and hcg until my blood levels look better. I'm going to check again in a few weeks after strict dieting and maybe just donate blood fix the blood issue. Hopefully the e2 will be okay until then. Guess I'll have to wait a little longer before running another cycle. I'm having muscle aches and depression already. I hate coming down.
I think it all started with my last deca cycle and I just didn't wait long enough before jacking up the test then adding compounds.
Unfortunately this did not work out. Had my blood drawn at the doctors office for usually panel and my bloods crazy thick and my Triglycerides are twice the high level. They wanted me to stop everything. But we met in the middle and I'm on 130mg of test c a week and hcg until my blood levels look better. I'm going to check again in a few weeks after strict dieting and maybe just donate blood fix the blood issue. Hopefully the e2 will be okay until then. Guess I'll have to wait a little longer before running another cycle. I'm having muscle aches and depression already. I hate coming down.
I think it all started with my last deca cycle and I just didn't wait long enough before jacking up the test then adding compounds.
Cheers for the update, i'm in a similar boat, e2 at 80, thinking of adding primo. Do you think it was the primo that jacked up your bloodwork more?

And what was your e2 level this draw after adding the primo?