High hemoglobin rbc hct

Look into ARBs (BP Meds) and Nattokinase. Between the two I don't have problems with RBC, HCT and Hemoglobin and I like to play with higher doses of EQ for long durations.
Look into ARBs (BP Meds) and Nattokinase. Between the two I don't have problems with RBC, HCT and Hemoglobin and I like to play with higher doses of EQ for long durations.
Telmisartan and nattokinasee along with naringin…..used all of it, did nothing.
Telmisartan and nattokinasee along with naringin…..used all of it, did nothing.
Search, you will find hundred study about it, donae don't solve anything.
Instead, set up a correctl trt (use the minimum amount to have medium high value) and correct frequency of injection could solve the problem.I had 52 hct for years, now i have 46 after many changes..
Search, you will find hundred study about it, donae don't solve anything.
Instead, set up a correctl trt (use the minimum amount to have medium high value) and correct frequency of injection could solve the problem.I had 52 hct for years, now i have 46 after many changes..
I’ve done it all, I inject 3x/week. Doesn’t matter if it’s 150/wk or 750/wk, same issue. Taken 80mg telmisartan, naringin, turmeric, nattokinase, doesn’t matter. The bloodletting doesn’t solve the problem, no, but, without some way to alter my genetics. It’s the only thing to mitigate the issue. A little off topic, I’ll briefly go through my cholesterol issue. Very high LDL(mother as well), fought with Dr for years about statins. LDL was 170, took niacin, fish oil, citrus bergamot, RYR for months. New labs……LDL was over 250. TLDR; I’m on a statin.
So I talked with my Dr and she said do you my size 6’3 236lbs my hemoglobin is probably gonna be higher and my sleep apnea is not helping my hemocrit. After 6 years of trt that I would need to go to the patch versus injecting it and she said she’s had a lot of success with that process. She is very smart and knows what I’m up to but then all she wants to do is to extend my life. Lol thanks?
I’ve done it all, I inject 3x/week. Doesn’t matter if it’s 150/wk or 750/wk, same issue. Taken 80mg telmisartan, naringin, turmeric, nattokinase, doesn’t matter. The bloodletting doesn’t solve the problem, no, but, without some way to alter my genetics. It’s the only thing to mitigate the issue. A little off topic, I’ll briefly go through my cholesterol issue. Very high LDL(mother as well), fought with Dr for years about statins. LDL was 170, took niacin, fish oil, citrus bergamot, RYR for months. New labs……LDL was over 250. TLDR; I’m on a statin.
150 mg probably are too mush on you....
i knw you all think 150 is few, but 150 is a lot for many mny people.
I use just 80 mg and i have 700 ng of testosterone total by lab test: enough to live and be happy....
If your genetic is the problem, then you had high hct also when you was young and natural....
Trt is to reach normal TT value by lab test and normal value donìt give high hct