High stress jobs and bodybuilding?


How does one do it?

Im at the point where I'm working 7.30am until at least 7pm at night if not later, the compensation/career progression is worth this trade off right now I feel.

Only time I can go to the gym where it's not crazy busy is on weekdays at 5.30am until 6.45am, weekends I have other commitments. Therefore im averaging around 6 hours sleep weekdays and 8-9 on fri/sat night.

I could probably work 16 hours per day no problem If I removed my obligation to go the gym, since I would get the time back/also remove the physical fatigue, but obviously I want to improve my physique.

How is everyone else managing working a stressful job or business? Meanwhile progressing not just maintaining physique?

My only options as I see are either:

Switch to a 2-3 days program and accept less gains or compensate with more gear (not ideal I know)
Leverage some sort of nootropic I guess? Have not tried anything but ive heard of folks using modafinil, nicotine gum on busier hectic days. (adderall/ritalin impossible to get here)

Fully aware that none of this is optimal and if I want max results I should optimise my sleep/stress etc. for gear to work best. But I don't compete for a living and use minimal gear to look/feel/perform the best I can. test 150mg and 25mg anavar cutting right now is all im on right now.
I work aboard ships and I manage to sleep 6 hours at night plus 1/2 hours in the afternoon and I'm ok with that, pretty tired most of the times but fine.

I workout 5 days a week, when I'm ok board I'm usually only trying to mantain gains.