hMG vs hCG

So my question is relatively simple, but I'm unable to find an answer.

Why is hCG recommended over hMG, or even an hMG/hCG combination for PCT? While hCG is an LH mimetic, hMG is an FSH preparation that appears to be a perfect addition to hCG in PCT.

Furthermore, what if I could start from the top down, so to speak, and inject a GnRH-A in a similar fashion to how we use hCG now (immediately prior to SERMs)? I realize that getting your hands on a GnRH agonist would be relatively hard for most, this is just a purely hypothetical extension to my question.

Not factoring in cost (because after all, what's a half a grand when it comes to restoring my HPTA?), would an endocrinologist consider these therapies overkill for someone that responds to hCG and SERMs to prevent negative feedback induction, alone? If so, why? Wouldn't it be more beneficial to reboot the HPTA as quickly as possible?
Gnrh will chemically casterate you fairly easy. And i think cost is why most use hcg over hmg.
Gnrh will chemically casterate you fairly easy. And i think cost is why most use hcg over hmg.

Yes, GnRH-A's can be used to chemically castrate someone, medically being used during prostate cancer. However, there is evidence that in someone with hypogonadotropic hypogonadism GnRH-A's can stimulate spermatogenesis.

Is it the dosage, frequency, or preexisting condition that determines how exogenous GnRH-A interfaces with the body. Or is it type of GnRH-A?

Really, what I'm asking other than the hypothetical, is if I can afford hMG, is there a reason I should not incorporate it with hCG? Like if I were to blast EOD with 2000iu hCG for 20 days, and blast 75iu hCG EOD for 14 days, starting at the same time.

Will this assist my speed of recovery anymore than just an hCG blast? Will using the hMG hurt me in any way or be detrimental to recovering from future cycles?
stay away from the gnrh!
If you can afford it then i would run both atleast from what i remember researching Im kinda tired from the night shift so i wont put dosing but i will tag these two @Northern Nutrition @Dr JIM they have good advice
Gnrh maybe beneficial for Short time after very long cycle with no hcg during cycle. So if your shut down hard and have little chace of recovery (or even failed recovery). But otherwise this is such a strong compound that I personally don't think its worth the risk of chemical castration. If you decide to do it maybe do it under a doc surveillance. He maybe not willing to write a script but most docs now a days are willing to watch what happens and react to it, give advice. After all that's something exciting in their job. Not just old people complain about little things
So my question is relatively simple, but I'm unable to find an answer.

Why is hCG recommended over hMG, or even an hMG/hCG combination for PCT? While hCG is an LH mimetic, hMG is an FSH preparation that appears to be a perfect addition to hCG in PCT.

Furthermore, what if I could start from the top down, so to speak, and inject a GnRH-A in a similar fashion to how we use hCG now (immediately prior to SERMs)? I realize that getting your hands on a GnRH agonist would be relatively hard for most, this is just a purely hypothetical extension to my question.

Not factoring in cost (because after all, what's a half a grand when it comes to restoring my HPTA?), would an endocrinologist consider these therapies overkill for someone that responds to hCG and SERMs to prevent negative feedback induction, alone? If so, why? YES, a responsible one anyway. Wouldn't it be more beneficial to reboot the HPTA as quickly as possible? YES, but this can be achieved relatively easily using SERM's/hCG.

Expand for REDS. ^^

It never ceases to amaze me how some people will respond very well to say a particular brand like Newport Pharmaceuticals, and then want to try some other obscure brand and then whine when the product doesn't live up to the users expectations. Why change in the first place? If you have something that is producing the desired results and works well, why bother with another relatively unknown compound?

Once again, if youre responding well to SERM's or a combination of SERM's and hCG use on cycle, why mess around with something as potentially dangerous as hMG? IMHO, there just isnt enough data on it yet for me to even consider it. And the data that is available isn't that encouraging, not for my health anyway.