Honestly guys how tough is PCT?


I keep hearing it blows and is terrible and clomid is terrible etc but honestly how long does it suck for and in terms of measurables like strength how much of a drop off do you usually expect? How shitty do you feel? Does it affect you socially? Kinda dreading this shit to be honest now, I inderstand the allure of blast and cruise but obviously too young for that.
depends how hard you pushed it...every high has it low.
Clomid makes me feel like shit in general, I never run it over 50mg to avoid becoming a blubbering, near-sighted bitch.
Yeah my planned protocol was clomid/nolva
Clomid 50/day 4 weeks
Nolva 40/day 2 weeks 20/day 2 weeks
And I just started blasting hcg 5000iu in 3 weeks to finish out my cycle

I heard taking clomid before bed can mitigate some of the depressive effects is this true?

Also I was only on 500 test/week 12 weeks.
I am hoping however to keep all my strength, seeing as how I've been in a caloric deficit the whole time... It's not like I'm gonna be dropping weight off as if I was bulking and then went on pct. so hopefully this allows my strength to stay because I have made some excellent strength gains. Finally comfortable deadlifting heavy again and hit 565, squat for a sketchy 445, bench still hovering around the 360 range.
I didn't even pct the first 3 times. Young and stupid. Now I'm just stupid. The lack of sex drive is a bit disturbing. Penis becomes an instrument for peeing. I don't feel shit, and it's good to shake off them sides, but you'll defo feel the superman syndrome wear off. I hardly wrestle trucks and pry open iron vaults with my bare hands off cycle. D
Yeah my planned protocol was clomid/nolva
Clomid 50/day 4 weeks
Nolva 40/day 2 weeks 20/day 2 weeks
And I just started blasting hcg 5000iu in 3 weeks to finish out my cycle

I heard taking clomid before bed can mitigate some of the depressive effects is this true?

Also I was only on 500 test/week 12 weeks.
is this your first cycle?
Probably more fear of the unknown than anything, you should be fine. If you have good anchillaries PCT meds and are pro-active instead of reactive in your recovery you will bounce back fine man. The biggest thing is overcoming the metal blocks, you must stay disciplined and continue to eat big/clean and train hard. It will be harder some days, you may struggle with more aches and lack of energy and motivation....but its only temporary.

get it.
I am currently taken nolvadex in the morning and clomid at night.. My sex drive is still high .. My strength is still there..I did get the flu Easter week and was sick for two weeks barely eating and lost 15lbs.. My last injection was sometime that week..
I am currently taken nolvadex in the morning and clomid at night.. My sex drive is still high .. My strength is still there..I did get the flu Easter week and was sick for two weeks barely eating and lost 15lbs.. My last injection was sometime that week..

You started your pct right after cycle? What compounds were you running?