Hot Drinks During PCT ?


New Member

i am in pct cntaining of ( HCG-Nolvadex-Clomid )

my question is i am drinking so much of english tea black and green too espicialy green tea i am drinking so much of it around 5+ cup/day

so my question is green tea or any kind of tea or caffeine drinks generaly can make any of my pct drugs ineffective or can green tea conflict with any of hcg/nolvadex/clomid ?

because i read before some where that green tea make body has less respawn with nolvadex and tamoxfin drugs is that is true ? or i can drinks any amount of these caffine drinks with all of my pct drugs without any problems ?

and what drinks yu usualy drinking without problems while your pct please ?

i realy need to know these answers because i just want to make sure that my PCT will work fine without any problems and get the full benefits of all my PCT without any problems.

thank you
don't read to much in to that bro.. I drink at least 3 cups of coffee and Monster.. not only that I pop between 200-400mg caffeine pill per day.. while on or off cycle...
It's going to give you bitch tits, low T, and cancer all at the same time.

Actually, it's probably just going to make you pee a lot.

You'll be alright.

i am in pct cntaining of ( HCG-Nolvadex-Clomid )

my question is i am drinking so much of english tea black and green too espicialy green tea i am drinking so much of it around 5+ cup/day

so my question is green tea or any kind of tea or caffeine drinks generaly can make any of my pct drugs ineffective or can green tea conflict with any of hcg/nolvadex/clomid ?

because i read before some where that green tea make body has less respawn with nolvadex and tamoxfin drugs is that is true ? or i can drinks any amount of these caffine drinks with all of my pct drugs without any problems ?

and what drinks yu usualy drinking without problems while your pct please ?

i realy need to know these answers because i just want to make sure that my PCT will work fine without any problems and get the full benefits of all my PCT without any problems.

thank you

Well man, like the guys said the tea shouldn't affect ya.

On the other hand if you want your pct to work properly im wondering what your layout is looking like since it sounds like you are using hcg-nolva-and clomid at the same time. If this is the case you may want to reconsider.

If you used hcg before nolva and clomid then disregard what im saying.
i am in pct cntaining of ( HCG-Nolvadex-Clomid )

i read before some where that green tea make body has less respawn
what drinks yu usualy drinking without problems while your pct please ?

Yep I'm stumped bc I honestly don't know which is most prudent; advice that you CEASE CYCLING or a suggestion you STOP READING!

It's posts like yours that "scare" the crap out of anyone who is familiar why AAS became schedule III drugs.
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