I'm currently bulking on 600 test cyp and 400 primo and I'm at week 12. I've gained (regained) about 15-20 pounds without much fat. How do you guys who compete transition a bulk cycle to a cut cycle without being on high dose anabolics for so many weeks in a row? Is there an 8 week health phase in between or do you just go from bulk to cut and stay high dose for 24-30 weeks? I'm on TRT many years so I don't have a problem cruisng at 150mg per week I just don't know if I can hold the size I have now on it and then go into a cut wonder why did I even bulk? In my mind I could cut on a lower dose but I know I my bloods aren't gonna be great even on a few hundred mg of test + primo.
Any advice would be appreciated.
Any advice would be appreciated.