How fatigue is “extremely” fatigued? Total T 173

As mentioned before I think I am dying from something..
I hit the wall in 2012. In and out of the hospital, no help. My T was 150 and my TSH was 5.0 I lost 20 lbs. They said I had POTS and sent me home to deal with it. I tried to bounce back but the only way to survive was to push gently and lower my expectations. I could not run any more, so Id walk/jog. blablabla
I am in a bad way now.
I cant lower the bar any further.
Just got checked, Im at 173 Total T.
I don't know if this is bc Im sick, or if its why Im sick.
"Extreme fatigue" is a relative term.
If I walk 0.5 miles my body is exhausted, my muscles are shaky, my heart rate is high the rest of the day and I am still tired the next day.
Is it realistic this could be bc of the low T?
Or is it more realistic that I have an under lying issue and the low T is just one of the many symptoms?
I am trying to see a neuro,. but there is a 4 month wait for a good one.. :(
Thanks for the help guys.
I don't think the T alone can cause that level of fatigue as I can workout hard with T under 200.

However it's probably part of the reason for sure.
I am a young looking 40, been having big trouble since 2012 (age 35).
But really if I look back I can see it starting 2009? (age 32)
I still look healthy, 6' 187lbs now, but losing weight (10 lbs in 4 months), no appetite.
My heart goes fast for almost nothing, and I am so tired. I keep trying to rehabilitate and exercise,. but Im just getting weaker. 15min walk and I am tired all day and sore the next day :(
Thank you for the input. I am thinking maybe mitochondrial disease. Its scaring me. Anything else it could be?
Dont wait for a neuro just get bloddwork checked and check thyroid. Bet your thyroid is jacked. Something happen in 2012?
I hit the wall (figuratively) and crashed in 2012. I was still trying to live my normal active life despite falling strength and energy. I just pushed harder and drank more caffeine,.. til that didn't cut it. I crashed hard, Dr could never say they "didn't know", so they said anxiety. A great Dr in Yale said "POTS", maybe from a tick bite. Go home, and slowly rehabilitate. Ive been trying. By 2015 I was back to 50%? I compare numbers from my low point in 2012, and I am lower now. So except for the big dip from my "health crash", I could have really been falling the whole time.
Thyroid is falling out of whack,.. but like T, I think that may be a symptom. idk.
I am on synthroid since June (TSH 6.9), TSH was back to 1.9 w med. Then off again (Dec TSH 4.9). Upped my dose, and TSH is 2.4 last week.
That's how I felt before realizing I had celiac disease and quit eating gluten.
What's your diet like
Never did drugs (well smoked pot once). Drank a bunch when I was 19-23ish. Hangovers got me off that. That could be my first symptom actually. Bad hangovers. First from 10 drinks, then from 5, then from 2 drinks. As a healthy 30yo, two beers would give me a hangover. My liver function is fine (I am told). But I now read that alcohol intolerance is a symptom of "mito". Bc it takes a lot of energy to process alcohol.
I used to always eat anything and burn it off. Now eating makes me feel like shit. I was getting worse, so I (again) tried eating healthier last spring, kale and all. I think it made me worse bc my thyroid. I have no appetite for a year, but I eat bc I know I have to. A banana in the am. Now I add a boost shake. Late lunch, maybe a ham and Swiss sandwich or a burger. Dinner maybe 2 homemade tacos, or GF spaghetti and meatballs? Wife is GF, so 80% of what I eat is GF.
It's on the quest list of blood tests.

I know of many people that had symptoms such as chronic fatigue depression bipolar Exedra Exedra that were able to remedy themselves eliminating certain things from their diet. I'm not going to say this is your cure but it's worth a shot. The big three items to eliminate are gluten sugar and Dairy. Basically the Paleo Diet. Give it a shot for a month what have you got to lose
It's on the quest list of blood tests.

I know of many people that had symptoms such as chronic fatigue depression bipolar Exedra Exedra that were able to remedy themselves eliminating certain things from their diet. I'm not going to say this is your cure but it's worth a shot. The big three items to eliminate are gluten sugar and Dairy. Basically the Paleo Diet. Give it a shot for a month what have you got to lose

It's on the quest list of blood tests.

I know of many people that had symptoms such as chronic fatigue depression bipolar Exedra Exedra that were able to remedy themselves eliminating certain things from their diet. I'm not going to say this is your cure but it's worth a shot. The big three items to eliminate are gluten sugar and Dairy. Basically the Paleo Diet. Give it a shot for a month what have you got to lose

Yep none of should be consuming those poisons like processed sugars, gluten, and dairy.
Giving the paelo diet a try cant hurt.

Your case sounds similar to mine. I am fatigued as fuck all the time and testosterone didnt help much. I am also trying to clean up my diet and cut out the crap right now.

Keep searching for answers. Dont give up.
Quit drinking booze and eating terrible food and then get back to us.
I don't drink booze. I haven't even had a beer in five years. Ten years ago I would drink one or two, once or twice a year. Yeah, so that wouldn't be it.
I have a better than average diet. Mostly organic and 80%GF. Could be a food allergy. I will look into paelo, and non sugar/dairy, while I wait for a dr to evaluate the mito question.
I feel like there could still be a hormonal element. Bc while most days are hell, once and a while, maybe once or twice a week, I will get a few hours, late at night where I feel noticeably better. Hands warm up, pulse drops to normal, etc,.. I go to bed, wake up and Im screwed again.
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I don't drink booze. I haven't even had a beer in five years. Ten years ago I would drink one or two, once or twice a year. Yeah, so that wouldn't be it.
I have a better than average diet. Mostly organic and 80%GF. Could be a food allergy. I will look into paelo, and non sugar/dairy, while I wait for a dr to evaluate the mito question.
I feel like there could still be a hormonal element. Bc while most days are hell, once and a while, maybe once or twice a week, I will get a few hours, late at night where I feel noticeably better. Hands warm up, pulse drops to normal, etc,.. I go to bed, wake up and Im screwed again.

Ignore him, he's a poorly aging troll that's too lazy to read the entire thread... Possibly too stupid to comprehend it.

i feel for ya' man, i too have fatigue issues but for me it's psychological.

i wish you the best of luck man!
Keep us updated, please.
Thanks Mister,
For me Im sure its my heart, but maybe its mitochondrial disease that is causing it. And very few Drs know what adult mito is,..