How long after coming off did you feel almost normal?


New Member
10 weeks off after a 2 year blast and cruise and I must say I’m doing a lot better than imagined. Albeit nothing compared to being on a blast or TRT for that matter but still I’m not dying like I thought I would. Getting bloods after 12 weeks. How long after did you guys feel normal? If you ever did for that matter. It sucks being normal but fuck it, normal is normal.
If i wasnt trying for a kid, i would never come off.
I was a strong candidate for trt before i even thought about gear.
You've probably opened 10 threads with the same questions, if it's so hard for you to man up and suffer the consequences YOU signed up before starting gear then just stay on TRT forever, go to Turkey for a hair transplant, find a plastic surgeon to make you look younger and adopt a child if these are your worries.

Plenty of guys cycled and PCT over and over again, then had families etc..i don't understand why you can't accept that and keep thinking that all people blast and cruise. There are MANY guys who stopped cold turkey and they recovered just fine. I believe if your axis is not damaged the only difference PCT does is by returning to your baseline quicker.
You don't want to be on gear, that's fine.

but plenty of us entered just on TRT (150-200 test C a week) and it was life changing.

You can call it "Addictive" or we can calling it living "optimally".
True I’m only in my early twenties but for a guy in their thirties I completely understand.
First day of trt pin after my yearly 2 months off everything. I’m taking the time off not because of any particular reason but just for my sanity, this way I trick myself into thinking I am not abusing drugs lol.

I just can’t get over the thought of injecting year round even if I have a legit prescription.

Do whatever makes you comfortable, however, if you are overthinking and getting overwhelmed with the consequences then AAS is not for you, stick to creatine and whey.
10 weeks off after a 2 year blast and cruise and I must say I’m doing a lot better than imagined. Albeit nothing compared to being on a blast or TRT for that matter but still I’m not dying like I thought I would. Getting bloods after 12 weeks. How long after did you guys feel normal? If you ever did for that matter. It sucks being normal but fuck it, normal is normal.
The worse is yet to come. Let us know how things are at 6mths
my yearly 2 months off everything. I’m taking the time off not because of any particular reason but just for my sanity, this way I trick myself into thinking I am not abusing drugs lol.
Yea this is stupid, TRT is medicine now.

"Dont wanna take my bloodpressure pills to not be on thoes nasty unnatural chemicals"
Yea this is stupid, TRT is medicine now.

"Dont wanna take my bloodpressure pills to not be on thoes nasty unnatural chemicals"
Do you even know the difference between having high blood pressure and low testosterone?

One will kill you, the other will not. I am not advocating this because not everyone can endure low testosterone like I could. Remember not everyone turns to a girl like you when they have low test.