How long after PCT for bloods?


I just finished my 3rd cycle. I plan on getting blood work done ( for the 1st time ) before starting my next cycle. How long should I wait to get them done? I took 2 weeks after cycle. Then 4 weeks pct @ 50/50,25/25 & 40/40,20/20 - clomid and nolva. PCT will be done in 2 days.
I just finished my 3rd cycle. I plan on getting blood work done ( for the 1st time ) before starting my next cycle. How long should I wait to get them done? I took 2 weeks after cycle. Then 4 weeks pct @ 50/50,25/25 & 40/40,20/20 - clomid and nolva. PCT will be done in 2 days.

HTPA recovery is dependent upon several factors such as age, cycle duration, potency and duration of AAS used etc.

For a cycle that includes Nandrolone for instance in someone at or above age 35, SIX WEEKS (For most using parenteral AAS 4-6 weeks is a good starting point IME)

Conversely a 26 year old who is only cylcing orals TWO WEEKs.

The important part to remember, ensure HTPA recovery has occurred BEFORE another cycle is begun OR subsequent efforts to restore your cherished balls will likely become much more difficult.

HTPA recovery is dependent upon several factors such as age, cycle duration, potency and duration of AAS used etc.

For a cycle that includes Nandrolone for instance in someone at or above age 35, SIX WEEKS (For most using parenteral AAS 4-6 weeks is a good starting point IME)

Conversely a 26 year old who is only cylcing orals TWO WEEKs.

The important part to remember, ensure HTPA recovery has occurred BEFORE another cycle is begun OR subsequent efforts to restore your cherished balls will likely become much more difficult.


I certainly will. Had some pretty bad acne and loss of libido post cycle this go around. I know this is no game and I will test heavily from now on. I had an issue with my old lady not knowing what was going on but that has been resolved ( i spilled the beans). Thanks for your advice.
So if you get bloods and they show your back to normal is it okay to jump back on cycle. Because I was under the impression that you had to have time on+pct to get fully recovered
So if you get bloods and they show your back to normal is it okay to jump back on cycle. Because I was under the impression that you had to have time on+pct to get fully recovered

Ppl are going to get back on when they want to but you also want to give time for your new homeostasis, recovery, to settle in so to speak. Just bc you labs show recovery for a few days doesn't mean you should hop back on ASAP.