How long before SERMs leave your system?

Image a bit confused? You asking or telling?
Detection time for Nolvadex is approx 14 days, and the detection time for Clomid is just a Google search :confused:
Image a bit confused? You asking or telling?
Detection time for Nolvadex is approx 14 days, and the detection time for Clomid is just a Google search :confused:
I'm not concerned about detection time rather I want to know at approximately what point my HPTA is operating entirely on its own. to know this accurately we would need to know what your pre cycle total testosterone baseline reading(s) was/were. This is another example why blood work, both are and post, is so very important...

Also of importance is the ester of the AAS you were using...what is the half life of the longest? to know this accurately we would need to know what your pre cycle total testosterone baseline reading(s) was/were. This is another example why blood work, both are and post, is so very important...

Also of importance is the ester of the AAS you were using...what is the half life of the longest?
63 years old, natty T is 917. My first cycle, 12 weeks 500mg Test C, weeks 9-12 40 mg anavar. 5 weeks in T measured at 4700 ng/dl. 18 days after last pin T was 2270. Last pin was March 23 and April 24 I was down to 1160 NG/DL. Started PCT four days later when I calculated I was about 800. Two weeks into PCT T was 720. At the end of PCT 1342,
LH 9.1, FSH 5.7.
As you can see I do bloods frequently. Next bloods 4 weeks after PCT, but I don't know if the SERMs will still be affecting me at that point. That's what I'm trying to find out.
You can know this by using half life of Nolvadex and Clomid. This will tell you if it is still in your system
You can know this by using half life of Nolvadex and Clomid. This will tell you if it is still in your system
If all I need is the half life of Clomid and Nolva why ask about esters, testosterone levels, etc.? I guess I was hoping someone with anecdotal evidence would suggest that in their experience their HPTA was functioning on its own in 4 or 6 or 8 weeks, whatever. I know everyone is different but I'm looking for a rough guideline I suppose to help me assess my future blood results.
Clomid and nolva have something like a 5-7day half life and after 4-5half lives a drug is considered metabolized out the body so you're looking at 20-35days before the HPTA is working on its own power but that doesn't mean recovery has happened.
With dual serms 6 weeks after is about the rule of thumb practiced around here to get blood work:)

If u have pre bloods and only run clomid u should be able to test bw 2 weeks after ending pct:)
Standard PCT protocol of 100 Clomid/40 Nolva for 14 days and 50 Clomid/ 20 Nolva for 14 days.

The answer to your question as posted for your thread is SEVEN half lives.

"Who's PCT protocol" are you listing as standard.

This is an important distinction bc unlike established medical therapies for DM, HTN or infection PCT dosages are not evidence based, per se.

To that end PCT like therapy for most other ailments, would begin with an BASELINE and adjusted accordingly to meet the degree of an individual's HTPA suppression

However since an objective means of ascertaining the degree of a cyclist HTPA suppression is sorely lacking, and appropriate level of judgement is critical IMO.

That is of course unless one believes a "protocol" is sufficient to treat those who cycle say 500mg of TT per week for 12 weeks AND another mate who is running three AAS for several months.

I think NOT- but such an approach sure simplifies things for those who need exactly that - a protocol to KIS-

And to that I say, I hope the side effects of TWO SERMS at double the dose for medically approved conditions
don't become a problem as they do for some.
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