How long does it take to feel testosterone enanthate.


Hey meso! Coming onto my third week of my test cycle 500mg. Just wondering. How long does it take to feel like I am on something or won’t I really feel much? I’m getting bloods done tomorrow because the only thing I have felt is slightly sore nips and I think I’m a little more horny than usual. Does testosterone actually have a proper “feeling” like you’re on something? I know my source is reliable because they are very reputable on here and have had no complaints
Individual thing, some are more sensitive to it's effects, others not so much. Usually to reach peak levels 4-5 half lives need to pass. Give or take about 30 days.

Instead you should monitor your results like gains in weight, measurements, strength progression and of course visually. It depends a lot on the quality of your diet and then training. Just because you're on Testosterone it doesn't mean, you can work less, instead you should do your best on it and work harder.

Edit: which T ester is it? I assumed C/E based on most common first cycle selection
Individual thing, some are more sensitive to it's effects, others not so much. Usually to reach peak levels 4-5 half lives need to pass. Give or take about 30 days.

Instead you should monitor your results like gains in weight, measurements, strength progression and of course visually. It depends a lot on the quality of your diet and then training. Just because you're on Testosterone it doesn't mean, you can work less, instead you should do your best on it and work harder.

Edit: which T ester is it? I assumed C/E based on most common first cycle selection
Diet and training is on point. Iv gained 6lbs since I started but that might also just be the increase in calories since I started. Not a noticeably increase in strength. And yes I’m using enanthate.
I also want to add in 2021 I was 100% natural and my test levels were 700 i dont know if that could play a factor in it. My pre bloods were 500
1st week enhanced endurance
2nd week noticeable strength increase
3rd week showtime

More or less thats how it goes for me
Iv been on for 2 weeks and 5 days. Endurance and strength is up a little not extremely tho. I’m getting bloods tomorrow anyway. Also have slightly sore nips that been there since week 2 but nothing overly bad to the point I feel like I need nolva or aromasin
Iv been on for 2 weeks and 5 days. Endurance and strength is up a little not extremely tho. I’m getting bloods tomorrow anyway. Also have slightly sore nips that been there since week 2 but nothing overly bad to the point I feel like I need nolva or aromasin
Have you done bloods before taking ? give numbers once done blood
you will tell us how long it takes you to feel it, only you can know...
personally i start feel it between between 20/30 days, and i feel its full power in 50/60 days
Hey meso! Coming onto my third week of my test cycle 500mg. Just wondering. How long does it take to feel like I am on something or won’t I really feel much? I’m getting bloods done tomorrow because the only thing I have felt is slightly sore nips and I think I’m a little more horny than usual. Does testosterone actually have a proper “feeling” like you’re on something? I know my source is reliable because they are very reputable on here and have had no complaints
This sounds about right. What else were you expecting to feel ?
This sounds about right. What else were you expecting to feel ?
Not sure.. mabey like a more euphoric feeling or something. I hear all these story’s about people feeling absolutely amazing.. and it’s not that I don’t feel good.. I do feel good but not as much as people describe it to be.. I’m not sure lol if this is it I’m happy with it just had a different expectation I guess.
Depends what your expectations are. Most new PED users think the drugs is the missing piece off the puzzle and expect one shot to propel them to performance stratosphere, only to be vastly disappointed.

Because it ain't the drugs stupid, it's food and training.
Yes I know it is the food and training. My fort and training is spot on. But I’m not sure I guess I expected to feel more of a drug type of feeling from the way you see people describe it in videos and stuff
test isnt anything crazy even on 1 gram+. I expected personality changes and rapid muscle gains but the reality inmy case its just a steady increase of strength and muscle thats way above normal but still nothing crazy and everything else is the same. If you are expecting some extreme changes both to your body and mind try tren lol thats the one thing so far besides high doses of dbol thats made me feel the imagined stereotype "steroid" experience u have in your head. With dbol it was the rapid strength increase and tren the personality changes
Not sure.. mabey like a more euphoric feeling or something. I hear all these story’s about people feeling absolutely amazing.. and it’s not that I don’t feel good.. I do feel good but not as much as people describe it to be.. I’m not sure lol if this is it I’m happy with it just had a different expectation I guess.
It's a placebo effect. You don't feel anything generally. If anything, it is just subtle effects, over time, but this is barely perceptible.
It's a placebo effect. You don't feel anything generally. If anything, it is just subtle effects, over time, but this is barely perceptible.

test isnt anything crazy even on 1 gram+. I expected personality changes and rapid muscle gains but the reality inmy case its just a steady increase of strength and muscle thats way above normal but still nothing crazy and everything else is the same. If you are expecting some extreme changes both to your body and mind try tren lol thats the one thing so far besides high doses of dbol thats made me feel the imagined stereotype "steroid" experience u have in your head. With dbol it was the rapid strength increase and tren the personality changes
Hmmmm yea. Oh well I’m here for the gains not the “feeling” lol but yea gotta say I was expecting something way different. Sex drive is up a little tho.
Not sure.. mabey like a more euphoric feeling or something. I hear all these story’s about people feeling absolutely amazing.. and it’s not that I don’t feel good.. I do feel good but not as much as people describe it to be.. I’m not sure lol if this is it I’m happy with it just had a different expectation I guess.
I guess those who report feeling great were feeling very shitty before starting test. If you felt fairly good before you may not notice it as much. What you should notice no matter what are better gym performance and recover. Just keep eating right and training. The results will become evident after a few consistent weeks. You will essentially become a slightly bigger and stronger version of yourself. If it's your first cycle you may gain a significant amount of weight. Also it's a long process, a marathon not a sprint. Give it time. Getting big takes years unless you have elite genetics.
Hmmmm yea. Oh well I’m here for the gains not the “feeling” lol but yea gotta say I was expecting something way different. Sex drive is up a little tho.
Yes, sex drive can increase, with the hormone fluctuations. The increase in sex drive will settle down or reduce, so enjoy it while you have it. To get this benefit again, sometimes you have to lower the dose or increase the dose or control estrogen. Basically, the increased sex drive comes from fluctuations of hormones, for me atleast. And yes, it is a positive.

I find that the changes from testosterone will happen subtly over months. It doesn't happen in weeks. It's just slow and steady improvements. Maybe better energy, wake up a little easier in the morning, a little more confidence etc. It's subtle. Your body will slowly improve over months. You will start to lose some fat and you will be able to eat a bit more and not gain as much fat. You will generally feel good, probably better than you did before, but it is subtle.
If you want actual plot your cycle here is the tool.
It’s nice to be able to identify when you actually hit full mg release per day.

For me the feels on e or c don’t kick in till week 4-5. Up until then I’ve noticed a bit more gym improvements in week 3. Right around week 4-5 though it’s like some weird muscle pumping engine kicks on and all calories seem to shuttle strait to the muscle cells.
If you want actual plot your cycle here is the tool.
It’s nice to be able to identify when you actually hit full mg release per day.

For me the feels on e or c don’t kick in till week 4-5. Up until then I’ve noticed a bit more gym improvements in week 3. Right around week 4-5 though it’s like some weird muscle pumping engine kicks on and all calories seem to shuttle strait to the muscle cells.
Definitely, a steroid plotter is useful tool if you know how to use.

Testosterone "feels" are very dependent on 1) your initial T levels
2) dosage
3) frontloading

As for myself, say I increase my current dose of 200mg/week (TU) to something like 600mg it will take me long time to reach that level without frontloading, therefore I would not feel Testosterones effect immediately.

If I would add in TC to make up the difference I would get effects significantly faster not to mention frontload it a bit.

However feels for me, as my body is so used to being on synthetic T is just that it recognizes increased levels as if it was normal.

For me the biggest noticeable immediate effects are dopamine rush and excitement to do something, eat more, workout more, lift heavy. Similar to mania, but of course in lighter form.

I have to say this doesn't last and body quickly gets used to this increased Testosterone.

When I lower my dosage back to 200mg, I get slightly moody, lower drive and less appetite. It all normalizes after some time and I feel fine, just like right now, my usual.