How long to cycle HGH?

Been running for almost a year now, I've had a few breaks for like a week or two but not much. Curious how long people cycle HGH?

I remember 3iu in a day causing my serious carpal tunnel and having to slowly build up, now I can blast 10iu (5/5) no problem. Wondering if maybe it's not having as strong of an effect.

Also curious if same applies for HCG, been running 3iu mwf for like 2 years now.
Been running for almost a year now, I've had a few breaks for like a week or two but not much. Curious how long people cycle HGH?

I remember 3iu in a day causing my serious carpal tunnel and having to slowly build up, now I can blast 10iu (5/5) no problem. Wondering if maybe it's not having as strong of an effect.

Also curious if same applies for HCG, been running 3iu mwf for like 2 years now.
After six months of regular use your brain down regulates the impact of the gh and your igf -1 drops. There’s an argument that cycling hgh for 5-6 months, followed by a 3 month wash out, and then cycling again could keep that down regulation from impacting the gh effects on your system.
It seems it depends on why and how much you are using. I have been using HCG for over 15 years straight and HGH for almost 10. But i am taking them for health reasons not to get as big as i possibly can.
It seems it depends on why and how much you are using. I have been using HCG for over 15 years straight and HGH for almost 10. But i am taking them for health reasons not to get as big as i possibly can.
I'm also taking HGH for "health" reasons..... ;)
It seems it depends on why and how much you are using. I have been using HCG for over 15 years straight and HGH for almost 10. But i am taking them for health reasons not to get as big as i possibly can.
What health benefits are you targeting for HGH and what results have you gotten? 10 years is a treasure trove of anecdotal data.
I'm also taking HGH for "health" reasons..... ;)
Good for you. i try not to let mine get to high as it seems life span is less from animal studies.
What health benefits are you targeting for HGH and what results have you gotten? 10 years is a treasure trove of anecdotal data.
Well i can't really say what benifits there have been long term as i really only have me to compare to when i was younger. But i go years at a time without getting ill, but i tend to think that is more about diet. I am in my 60's and do some physical activity 6+ days a week. I am also on TRT and go over my prescribes allotment sometimes up to 250mg/week for 8 weeks other wise around 100mg/week. Blood work is always good. Even was years ago when i did far bigger cycles. I am just trying to live the way i want without doing any real damage but i assume my past and even wha i am doing now will likely shave some time off the end of my life.
Doesnt cause cancer, can it grow cancer cells already within your system? Sure
Correct. the downstream increase of IGF1 from the HGH seems to be the main cause here for causing existing cancer cells to grow.

Metformin seems to greatly reduce this risk (along with a heap of other benefit's)
Metformin: theoretically better than something like dihydroberberine?
I haven't researched dihydroberberine so I can't make a judgement call on that but metformin has a host of benefit's, 1 of them inhibiting the link between increased ifg1 from HGH and cancer, while still maintaining elevated igf1 blood levels.

From memory, there is a great writeup someone posted on Meso going into it all. Well worth the time to seach it and have a read.
HCG, been running 3iu mwf

Did you mean 300iu?

Re: HGH - I ran it continuously for about a year or so my first go, maybe a little less. It was beneficial but I have found, being in my 30's, there wasn't enough upside for continuous use. I run it before and during beach season now when I do use it for the nice look it gives.
Correct. the downstream increase of IGF1 from the HGH seems to be the main cause here for causing existing cancer cells to grow.

Metformin seems to greatly reduce this risk (along with a heap of other benefit's)
If you plan to have kids use Berberine; less sides than metformin.

To date, any study regarding Metformin's ability to mitigate cancer growth come with a plethora of caveats requesting more study, so, no.
Correct. the downstream increase of IGF1 from the HGH seems to be the main cause here for causing existing cancer cells to grow.

Metformin seems to greatly reduce this risk (along with a heap of other benefit's)
If you plan to have kids use Berberine; less sides than metformin.

To date, any study regarding Metformin's ability to mitigate cancer growth come with a plethora of caveats requesting more study, so, no.

Check out dihydroberberine. Can use lower dose than regular berberine and some studies show potential advantages over metformin. Some studies, not all studies.