How long to cycle HGH?

Check out dihydroberberine. Can use lower dose than regular berberine and some studies show potential advantages over metformin. Some studies, not all studies.
is dihydro natural occurring within berberine sups? I am curious because sometime science for patentable new products seems to get skewed.. that being said, more natural slightly milder esp with side effects would be awesome alternative to metformin for many folks.

I see they say its created in gut... simply better absorbed it sounds like?
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is dihydro natural occurring within berberine sups? I am curious because sometime science for patentable new products seems to get skewed.. that being said, more natural slightly milder esp with side effects would be awesome alternative to metformin for many folks.

I see they say its created in gut... simply better absorbed it sounds like?

Yep. Increased bioavailability of dihydroberberine compared to regular berberine. There are a few commercially available dihydroberberine products.
Correct. the downstream increase of IGF1 from the HGH seems to be the main cause here for causing existing cancer cells to grow.

Metformin seems to greatly reduce this risk (along with a heap of other benefit's)
Can you provide citations? Am interested in reading.
Typically how the really big monsters run it is as high as possible for their off-season (10-30iu) with their big cycle then drop down to whatever their “cruise” amount is, usually 4-6iu

This spans the whole spectrum though don’t think everyone uses 10-30iu some big guys do well at 8 or less when blasting, it’s all genetic at the end of the day
Joints and tendons are major things I need. My shoulder has started losing ROM and my ligaments seem weaker especially in my knees.

Well, shit. Have you considered TB500 & BPC-157? Definitely worth looking to sooner rather than later.

When I added them to GH and TRT after a moderate pec tear, some other minor pains seemed to fade away.
Well, shit. Have you considered TB500 & BPC-157? Definitely worth looking to sooner rather than later.

When I added them to GH and TRT after a moderate pec tear, some other minor pains seemed to fade away.
Honestly, I am quite new to peptides and aas in general. I am in decent shape, not the best. But I am starting to really amp up. If my doctor hadn't tested me for my test levels i said to him out of the blue, idk what i would be doing now.

But here we are.

And I have decided to more or less take it really seriously. Diet, exercise, supplements, all of it for a few months now. So i got alot to learn.

I will check out the combo. Thank you.
Tried to search it, couldn't find it

I don't know anything about metformin, should I be taking it?