How long until back to normal Test level?


New Member
I recently ran my first cycle in around a decade. I have been back training for 18 months and a source suddenly appeared to me, so I decided to have a go. I'm in my mid 30s and ran 8 weeks of Test Prop at 500mg a week and Anavar at 75mg a day for 5.5 weeks. The test prop was Newport and the Anavar was some fake large pharma brand who clearly don't make Anavar, but I would guess is was Anavar and not DBol based on the effects (crazy back pumps, no major bloating). I have tried DBol before and get real bad moon face. I was taking 1mg Arimidex EOD to keep my nips from being a little puffy, but I still retained some water (since I'm around 20% BF too).

For post cycle therapy I have been taking Clomid 50mg and Noladex 20mg ED. I am approaching three weeks and was planning to stop the PCT.

I had significant strength gains of 5-10% on the large lifts while on and still seem stronger than when I started, but have lost a little. I gained 10lbs while dropping 2lbs Bodyfat (12lbs lean gain) but have since lost 7 of this.

How long should I expect until my body is fully up to speed producing Test again? My balls suffered very little atrophy (I have run 12 week cycles in my 20s so know what it feels like) and they have since recovered all size as far as I know. I have had no sexual side effects apart from a small loss of libido.

Oh and the Newport Test Prop seemed decent, as long as I heated it and used a hot pack on the site for 15mins afterwards I started to get no PIP.
Op things change as you age especially recovery post cycle. You cant compare yourself to your 20's as you were at your peak. If everything else is equal i would expect normal level at around the 2 month mark. Or a month after proper pct. Sooner wouldnt be realistic as you are on medication that will speed up natural test production but not the body by itself. I guess on different individuals could be a bit sooner 6-8 weeks. Without pct could take 6months to a year if you are lucky. It might never come back.
So should I continue lower volume than usual during this time to prevent catabolism? I must admit, the net result after things recover will not be that great compared to what I could have achieved naturally in the same time (I compete in a weight classed strength sport).
I would if i was in your shoes, train my ass off as to try and maintain your strength in the gym. But the number one thing i would do is caloric intake from good sources to prevent muscle loss. My 2 cents.