How much clomid for 10 week cycle.


New Member
I just started a test e cycle 300 mg/week for 10 weeks. I have 30 50mg clomids. What dose and how long should I take them for after my cycle?
I would also recommend doing some of your own homework too bro because the next question will be at what time do you
Start pct after your cycle!??

Do you have access to Nolvadex (Tamoxifen)? If so, i would include that @ 20/20/20/20 as well.

For a cycle that includes a dose of TT that is twice that of TRT, one could legitimately argue single SERM mediated PCT is not even needed and DUAL SERM PCT with both NOVLADEX and CLOMID is definitely overkill.

I mean really isn't dual SERM therapy also used when THREE anabolic agents are cycled simultaneously, yep.

Makes no sense fella it's like treating uncomplicated strep throat with TWO antibiotics what's the point?

Is the MOA between Novladex and Clomid really that different, NOPE!

I suppose it's difficult to reason someone out of a position they haven't been reasoned into.
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I respectfully disagree, Jim.

If a man runs 300mg/wk for 10 or 20 wks compared to 500mg/wk for say 20 wks, does the HPTA know the difference after its shutdown? Also, i believe that the health and age of the AAS user will determine how easily your HPTA will be restored regardless if you include SERM's, single or double, rather than the amount used. What would a person recommend for a TRT patient who chooses (for whatever reason) to come off after one year of TRT? One SERM? Two SERM's? No SERM's?

My advice for a light recovery plan is to ensure restoration along with the benefits of each SERM depending on the individuals response to 300mg/wk of exogenous testosterone.

Having said that, yes you could argue that a PCT is not necessary. But you would have to have his chart of front of you along with previous experience and related health information to know that for sure. No?

That's my humble opinion and certainly not mean to be argumentative. But, you are the medical professional and i look forward to your reply, big dog. :)

p.s. since you provided an anecdote, here's one of my own; its like shooting a deer with a .270 and someone arguing that .300 win mag will kill it "better." lol
I am 23 years old and this is my first ever cycle. I weigh 160 Not sure of BF% but i know it is most likely very low. Last time i remember hearing what it was it was 7%. Only taking 300mg once every week. I didn't have too much money so I couldn't get an AI and also why I started so low. I am not sure if this matters but I already get accused of using when not on. I have almost inhuman recovery and muscle gaining ability already. I am not to worried about the estrogen related side effects but more the hbp and cholesterol. Is that even something to woory about on only 300mg?
So you're shutting yourself down for 300mg/week. I think you'll be well off with what North said 50/50/50/50 on the Clomid. Personally, I wouldn't risk going without an AI during cycle. Although some people with low bodyfat claim 500mg+/week with no AI or problems. If your using a Long ester you have a week or two to grab an AI. I suggest you do so and run 500mg/week to make your shut down worth wild. I'm closing a 10 week Test only cycle and I made 90% of my gains week 4 through 8 so shorting up your cycle on your limited supply wont hurt.
OK so when your done with your pct. And your sex drive is still not the same as it was before cycle. Last cycle you did the exact same pct and it worked well. Nothing is different. Just sex drive is non existing. And no I haven't gotten bloods yet. Have apt tomorrow.