How often to take dianabol 25mg on a test/primo cycle


New Member
I’m about to start my first cycle and run a test/primo stack and I’m wondering how often I should be taking my dianabols, thanks in adavance!
Honestly this is a very dumb question. You half assed your research. You failed the exam at the most basic part already. Back to the drawing board, if you need help where to find the source of information you can always ask, but really you should put more effort and read. Even here it's plenty enough info available just use search function and browse through the forum and also don't forget to read steroid profiles that are also available on Meso. Take care.
This thread was answered by Tom.

One compound at a time. Don’t give us all a bad name.
I appreciate the feedback, thank you. I’ll read around more. I have a friend who’s on this cycle helping guide me but I thought I would come here and ask some questions as well.
you really need to manage estrogen and acne with dbol

loved dbol with as little as 30mg a day but fucked my face with acne
Honestly this is a very dumb question. You half assed your research. You failed the exam at the most basic part already. Back to the drawing board, if you need help where to find the source of information you can always ask, but really you should put more effort and read. Even here it's plenty enough info available just use search function and browse through the forum and also don't forget to read steroid profiles that are also available on Meso. Take care.
It's good that you came to research for yourself, rather than just going off what your bro says.

You're on the right track
A link to any specific posts would be greatly appreciated
I’m about to start my first cycle and run a test/primo stack and I’m wondering how often I should be taking my dianabols, thanks in adavance!
Never. ;)

you'll get puffy face and a lot of water retention from dbol......

Stick to Test only.

Take the Primo for you second cycle, more is not always better.

Are you have any AI on hand? Because you'll need them. Bloodwork done before starting the cycle?

How long you trained natural? Age? Weight? Bf?
Never. ;)

you'll get puffy face and a lot of water retention from dbol......

Stick to Test only.

Take the Primo for you second cycle, more is not always better.

Are you have any AI on hand? Because you'll need them. Bloodwork done before starting the cycle?

How long you trained natural? Age? Weight? Bf?
I just made a much better post with all of that information on this same thread (which I should have made before this dumb one)