How to get rid of man boobs AKA bitch tits/ moobs,FAST ???


Hy my name is Daniel in I do have man boobs sience i know myself. I cannot afford going to doctor to do operation. So I'm asking you,in you experience ,what should i do. First of all I'm going to give you some infos: I m 22,100kg and 180cm. So I know I m fat but I do have hard ,sensitive lump behind my nipple . I know it's suck because I don t diet hard enough ,train and etc,but at least if I see any improvements with THIS way to get rid of maybe I ll damn if not motivated once for all !

So.... What I ve been think off:

Nolvadex/ citrate tamoxifen 20mgs each and every day
Arimidex -the minimum dose
Or .. The aromasin for about 3 weeks,15 mgs each day.

I been readin about letro that is killin my life out of me. Arimidex is quite good but I do believe that Aromasin might give me chance because this is actually ...suicidal?

So the question is: should I approach Aromasin till my gyno is gone, and what appropriate dose should I take for that , thaaanks...
Very, very potent. nolva will target the breast tissue as well. That needs to be run at 40mg/ed,

Letrozole, start at 2.5mg/ed is the standard but since you're already in a bad situation I'd double that, and continue to up the disagree until your nips are feeling better. I'm not sure about mixing nolva, letro, and Aromasin all the same time... I need another member to help with this one
Very, very potent. nolva will target the breast tissue as well. That needs to be run at 40mg/ed,

Letrozole, start at 2.5mg/ed is the standard but since you're already in a bad situation I'd double that, and continue to up the disagree until your nips are feeling better. I'm not sure about mixing nolva, letro, and Aromasin all the same time... I need another member to help with this one
Very, very potent. nolva will target the breast tissue as well. That needs to be run at 40mg/ed,

Letrozole, start at 2.5mg/ed is the standard but since you're already in a bad situation I'd double that, and continue to up the disagree until your nips are feeling better. I'm not sure about mixing nolva, letro, and Aromasin all the same time... I need another member to help with this one
Very, very potent. nolva will target the breast tissue as well. That needs to be run at 40mg/ed,

Letrozole, start at 2.5mg/ed is the standard but since you're already in a bad situation I'd double that, and continue to up the disagree until your nips are feeling better. I'm not sure about mixing nolva, letro, and Aromasin all the same time... I need another member to help with this one

Soooooo, if I say..... Take letro for about... 3 weeks,after that, am I going to have a rebound of estrogen, god no!
Any side effects of this?
Is this actually better than Aromasin?!
Very, very potent. nolva will target the breast tissue as well. That needs to be run at 40mg/ed,

Letrozole, start at 2.5mg/ed is the standard but since you're already in a bad situation I'd double that, and continue to up the disagree until your nips are feeling better. I'm not sure about mixing nolva, letro, and Aromasin all the same time... I need another member to help with this one

Can I give you one link with external source about Aromasin????
have you ever gotten blood tests done? Any history of AAS usage?
God no! Never did any steroidS. I did once ,aboutttt 7 years ago ,and it has fine. I'm just a bit overweight but I m prone to this couse my dad got,and his father before him,and so on. I was skinny once but still I got some puffiness back then,but now seems like worsten. So.... Isn't Aromasin better than die others?
have you ever gotten blood tests done? Any history of AAS usage?
God no! Never did any steroidS. I did once ,aboutttt 7 years ago ,and it has fine. I'm just a bit overweight but I m prone to this couse my dad got,and his father before him,and so on. I was skinny once but still I got some puffiness back then,but now seems like worsten. So.... Isn't Aromasin better than die others?

Did blodtests long time ago. Why?

Never did anabolic steroids.
dont take letro, adex or aromasin without doing bloodwork first.

nolva will prevent estrogen from bonding to breast tissue.

Work out and lose weight. build some pectoral muscle to replace fat man bitch tits.
dont take letro, adex or aromasin without doing bloodwork first.

nolva will prevent estrogen from bonding to breast tissue.

Work out and lose weight. build some pectoral muscle to replace fat man bitch tits.

So (nolva,letro,adex,asin)the winner is ?
dont take letro, adex or aromasin without doing bloodwork first.

So (nolva,letro,adex,asin)the winner is ?

Dont take the stuff I told you not to take. It will drop your estrogen too low.
Keep reading up, but if anything other than surgery is gonna work it will probably be nolva.
Do your own research on dosage, and how to recognise any side effects.