How to get rid of man boobs AKA bitch tits/ moobs,FAST ???

Jesus Christ man. Read Aromasin for gyno ,first on google, would be a post form evolutionary dot you know how. Please read that post from that website, come back and answear me!
Read aromasin for gyno ,first on google,

I aint the one with the bitch tits, so I dont have to read shit.
Don't start lowering your e2 until you know what your level is.
Aro can be of some use if your e2 is high, but you wont know till you do bloodwork.
I aint the one with the bitch tits, so I dont have to read shit.
Don't start lowering your e2 until you know what your level is.
Aro can be of some use if your e2 is high, but you wont know till you do bloodwork.

Ok. You are one ignorant human like over 50 % of the population or sort of living things among this forum. And slightly stupid. Why. Let me tell you why. If one has bitch tits what this tells you about his estrogen? I tell what ! Is over the normal ratio. Why, god knows why and who the fuck cares anyway! Now what you gonna do? Simple . You make one account and be patient with all the morons and not just morons, but guys ... Like you. You are not stupid. Just ignorant. I will do the same thing. I will ask you one more time and then I will do something about it, either way I'll block you, or I ll say thank you. And that's a big deal ,trust me.

So. What would you use if you experience tits? Nolvadex( how much& long) , Aromasin (same) , Letrozole ( exactly the same) , Arimidex( guess?) .
Ok. You are one ignorant human like over 50 % of the population or sort of living things among this forum. And slightly stupid. Why. Let me tell you why. If one has bitch tits what this tells you about his estrogen? I tell what ! Is over the normal ratio. Why, god knows why and who the fuck cares anyway! Now what you gonna do? Simple . You make one account and be patient with all the morons and not just morons, but guys ... Like you. You are not stupid. Just ignorant. I will do the same thing. I will ask you one more time and then I will do something about it, either way I'll block you, or I ll say thank you. And that's a big deal ,trust me.

So. What would you use if you experience tits? Nolvadex( how much& long) , Aromasin (same) , Letrozole ( exactly the same) , Arimidex( guess?) .

He actually knows quite a bit, not ignorant at all sir. You just seem to have an attitude problem. He's asking why you think these medicines will help you because you think they will. The fact that your not on steroids the medicine will respond differently in your body not exactly doing what you are expecting. You have never touched steroids, so why do you think these medicines will help you? Have you looked up what they actually do, and how it will react with someone who has never touched steroids since your bitch tits were not acquired that way?
Ok. You are one ignorant human like over 50 % of the population or sort of living things among this forum. And slightly stupid. Why. Let me tell you why. If one has bitch tits what this tells you about his estrogen? I tell what ! Is over the normal ratio. Why, god knows why and who the fuck cares anyway! Now what you gonna do? Simple . You make one account and be patient with all the morons and not just morons, but guys ... Like you. You are not stupid. Just ignorant. I will do the same thing. I will ask you one more time and then I will do something about it, either way I'll block you, or I ll say thank you. And that's a big deal ,trust me.

So. What would you use if you experience tits? Nolvadex( how much& long) , Aromasin (same) , Letrozole ( exactly the same) , Arimidex( guess?) .
So you disregard everybodies comments and just stick with what you believe is going to help you? No More Letro for Gyno!

Stop Using Aromatase Inhibitors to Reverse gynecomastia! SERM's Only!

Estrogen, Prolactin, Progesterone Management + Gynecomastia Prevention & Reversal

Do I have Gynecomastia? If you're asking this question, read this thread.

If you're too lazy to follow the links and read... Raloxifene is the superior compound today for reversing gynecomastia. It can be dosed on or off cycle at 60mg daily up to 80mg daily until your gynecomastia is reversed.

PS- Stop being a whiny little bitch with an attitude.
So you disregard everybodies comments and just stick with what you believe is going to help you? No More Letro for Gyno!

Stop Using Aromatase Inhibitors to Reverse gynecomastia! SERM's Only!

Estrogen, Prolactin, Progesterone Management + Gynecomastia Prevention & Reversal

Do I have Gynecomastia? If you're asking this question, read this thread.

If you're too lazy to follow the links and read... Raloxifene is the superior compound today for reversing gynecomastia. It can be dosed on or off cycle at 60mg daily up to 80mg daily until your gynecomastia is reversed.

PS- Stop being a whiny little bitch with an attitude.

Hey I am fine with myself ! ... To get back: if you re not on cycles, this Raloxifene,might help ,even thou it can couse mineral bones deficit and strokes?
Thank you.
He actually knows quite a bit, not ignorant at all sir. You just seem to have an attitude problem. He's asking why you think these medicines will help you because you think they will. The fact that your not on steroids the medicine will respond differently in your body not exactly doing what you are expecting. You have never touched steroids, so why do you think these medicines will help you? Have you looked up what they actually do, and how it will react with someone who has never touched steroids since your bitch tits were not acquired that way?

You are one special. Sience when you judge a one by his way of looking? God,please, do yourself a favor and stop making ...

Dd you read my post. Did I miss the part with don t answear off topic ?

If I did just a slight went off topic, why can t you just answear my question? Them what the reason you are where? Are you gay? No! So answear me or go and do your stuff. Tell your bud to buy some conds. Your last call.
Ok. You are one ignorant human like over 50 % of the population or sort of living things among this forum. And slightly stupid. Why. Let me tell you why. If one has bitch tits what this tells you about his estrogen? I tell what ! Is over the normal ratio. Why, god knows why and who the fuck cares anyway! Now what you gonna do? Simple . You make one account and be patient with all the morons and not just morons, but guys ... Like you. You are not stupid. Just ignorant. I will do the same thing. I will ask you one more time and then I will do something about it, either way I'll block you, or I ll say thank you. And that's a big deal ,trust me.

So. What would you use if you experience tits? Nolvadex( how much& long) , Aromasin (same) , Letrozole ( exactly the same) , Arimidex( guess?) .
Take strychnine (about a tablespoon) with one cup of bleach. Chlorox is best, but generic will suffice since a stupid fuck like you won't have a job and probably can't afford brand name bleach.

Pity you have to die a virgin- make sure your burial suit covers up your tits loser.
Take strychnine (about a tablespoon) with one cup of bleach. Chlorox is best, but generic will suffice since a stupid fuck like you won't have a job and probably can't afford brand name bleach.

Pity you have to die a virgin- make sure your burial suit covers up your tits loser.

Hei blurus, listen Up. Take your idea and burry it ,6 six 6 feet deep in your ass. Off topic . Blocked.
dont take letro, adex or aromasin without doing bloodwork first.

nolva will prevent estrogen from bonding to breast tissue.

Work out and lose weight. build some pectoral muscle to replace fat man bitch tits.
Thank God you came in here with some real advice. The kid openly States he's overweight, never worked out or touched aas, and what do they fucking hell him? Take letro! That is not the answer! Get on a good diet and workout plan, see what your chest actually looks like when you lose the fat. Drugs are not the answer/ easy way out.