how to make RAD140 liquid from powder?


New Member
I was looking for a source of sarms (only used deus tablets so far) and I saw powders are much cheaper, like i could stock up for 3-4 years in a single order.

I was more looking to make liquid rad140 and liquid cardarine, as well as liquid nolvadex for pct.

So far the only sarms i tried are ostarine and rad140, I didn't like ostarine at all but i really liked rad140. I did plan on trying LGD4033 in the future too, but tbh i can't blindly buy 10g of powder and hope it turns out better than the ostarine.
I was also planning on using food grade ethanol 96° (the kind for making liquors at home), for dissolving the powders, as it's cheap (15€/1l), easy to obtain (can get in any supermarket) and safe to use (1ml won't get u drunk, and i don't plan on taking it sublingual but rather pour a dropper on a drink of choice, like water, gatorade or preworkout. The problem is that upon researching the solubility of sarms i came upon what might be a huge problem for rad140: its solubility is very low at only 2mg/ml in ethanol.

No problem for any other compound, the solubility ranges tipically from 20mg/ml to as high as 70mg/ml (nolvadex).

A quick recap of the solvents and some consideration for each.

DMF first to list and first to discard, very toxic

DMSO, unsafe for oral consumption, even if i would only need like 0,3ml daily to be able to dissolve 10mg rad in 10% dmso 90% ethanol solution. Also difficult to buy, smells and makes u smell.

PPG, some say they use it for sarms (didn't find any reports for rad140), but i can only find the kind for ecig, so no food grade. also toxicity in humans seems to be 0,1 ml/kg bw, quite a bit high if i will take couple ml for several months a year.

PEG300/400, very pricey at about 50€/1l, some reddit users report solubility of rad in a range of about 10 to 15 mg/ml in peg 400 (some say 10 others 15), the same thing about toxicity of PPG applies here, about 0,1 ml/kg of BW, still quite a bit higher than i hoped.

Glycerol, cheap and safe, also easy to buy, but it doesn't seem to be able to dissolve rad140, in fact can't find any reports on solubility at all. It does help in making some suspension tho, but that doesn't seem like a reliable enough method of administation.

I have some bio orange and lemon trees in my garden and I already make some liquor from their peels (making a tincture with their peels using ethanol then diluting it to 20°). Would a undiluted tincture improve the solubility of the powder in ethanol (since the essential oils in the peel are essentially similar to turpentine)?

The current options would be to either find a way to make a reliable solution for rad 140 or wait for a while, buy lgd from another seller (at a much higher price but low dose for 1 cycle), and see if i like it enough... then make a solution of lgd4 in ethanol instead.