Raw powder into liquid solution


New Member
I have Proviron, Ostarine and Cialis powder at home and I wanted to know how to make each one of them into liquid solution (specifically Proviron) I also have PG, PEG-400 and Ethanol at home.
Also, if you have success with other raws let me know! Thanks.
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Wait can I take the powder straight to the mouth and swallow that with water? And it will be effective just like regular pills?

The problem with that though is accurately weighing out small amounts. There can be wide inaccuracies. I weigh out 80 mg but I wouldn’t go lower than that personally.

I do Cialis in an oral suspension with Humco as the vehicle.
I dose the Cialis at 20 mg/mL and take a half mL everyday for 10 mg a day.
Very easy and works well