How To Make Tne/recipie?

Do you have Guiacol?
I have made it 75 mg
Shit stinks like hell!
But works
I would love some input on this as well as I have tried about 6 different recipes on this with in the last 2 months and well I can tell you in oil it usually crashes. I am surprised that no one wants to share how to make batches of test suspension like it is a big secret. I mean I can agree to a certain point to keep it on the hush to a point.
No secret bro
I think I did
1% ba
10% bb
10% guaiacol
The rest safflower oil.
This was about a year ago so I would have to dig it up
I will post exactly how when I get home. The shit stinks so bad
15% guaiacol
rest oil
WIll hold @ 100mg

using 2.5g tne
4ml bb
.4ml ba
6.8ml eo
6.8 guaiacol
makes 20ml/125mg
Here is it bro ...I know some people dont know the difference

Water-Based Test Suspension 2g Test Base~ 14.25ml Bac Water
.6ml BA
.4ml Polysorbate 80
4ml BB
1. Add Bacteriostatic water to a sterile 20ml vial.2. Add test base, BA, ps80, and 2ml BB to a beaker. Heat until clear (note - test base has a very high melting point so if it smokes a bit its OK)3. Let test base cool a bit4. Draw up solution in a 5cc syringe. Attach a .45 syringe filter to the 5cc syringe and filter into the Bac water in the vial. Do this quickly so the test base doesn't have time to cool in the water. The test base will titrate out of the solution. IMPORTANT - Only filter 1cc at a time as to not let the base crash in the syringe.... VERY IMPORTANT!!5. Swirl gently until mixed and then shake the shit out of it.6. Purge the filter with 2ml of BB, shake and swirl.This will yield 20ml of micronized water based test suspension at 100mg/ml

I would love some input on this as well as I have tried about 6 different recipes on this with in the last 2 months and well I can tell you in oil it usually crashes. I am surprised that no one wants to share how to make batches of test suspension like it is a big secret. I mean I can agree to a certain point to keep it on the hush to a point.
Wouldnt use eo unless u absolutely want to
15% guaiacol
and the rest gso oil will hold at 100mg
I've brewed many batches and have had issues with GSO crashing. Sometimes it would hold and other times crash. Pre heat your solvents before you add them to the raw. EO will run through a Slin pin as well. That helps with such frequent injections TNE calls for.