How to talk to your Online TRT Doc? How much to tell him/her?


Well-known Member Supporter
Question for the community here, as I don't know anyone IRL that I can talk to about this (thank you guys for being here in my time of need! My heroes!!)

Alright, so I'm wondering how much you tell your online TRT doc? I go through one of the big name online TRT clinics and have been really happy with them so far (been on for about 2 years now, first at 160 mg now at 180mg/week).

In the beginning I was hesitant to tell my doc about how much I was into exercise. I have a "demerit" on my medical chart from ~15 years ago that gives me consistent bad experiences with doctors. My chart said I have a problem with opioids (though I don't anymore, at all--I was just a stupid teenager) so any time I am in pain I automatically get a talk about drug seeking behavior. It fucking irritates the hell out of me.

So given my consistently bad experiences with doctors, at the beginning of my tenure with the TRT clinic, I sort of played dumb. I got my blood tests, described my symptoms, and just constantly deferred to the doctor for every little thing. Well, now I feel kind of stuck in that spot. I am an extremely knowledgeable person when it comes to physiology, the endocrine system, and pharmacology. But whenever I talk to my doc for whatever reason I still feel the need not to let on how much I know.

So I'm wondering, how do you talk with your doc? Are you straight up with them about your interest in lifting/bodybuilding/whatever? Have you told them you did gear? On top of Test, they've got all kinds of goodies. Nandrolone, Anavar, Primo...obviously I'm not looking to get them to just dish out roids to me all day (or am I? ;)), but I'm curious how to tactfully bring up that I'm interested in maybe adding a little bit of something else on top of my TRT.

I'm not set on this either, I mean UGLs have plenty of stock. I'm mostly curious and would like to hear other peoples stories. I've seen others say they were able to get anavar from them, but that's about it. Their store website is chock full of the good stuff though.

Any insight people have is much appreciated!

Just be honest and talk freely. The doc would probably appreciate your interest and enjoy talking with a knowledgable patient instead of having to explain everything over-simplified.

Also, i'm pretty sure these clinic docs realize alot of their clientelle supplement their treatment and would prefer just straight honesty.

And you choose to pay that doc. If he wants to be a dick about it, there's plenty of others that'll be happy taking your money!
Appreciate the response! Those are essentially my thoughts as well at this point. I'm thinking in 6 months during my next checkup I will basically say I have been doing a ton of research and reading, so that going forward I can start to be more straight with the doc.

As far as asking for extra goodies, if anyone has any stories about bringing up these options with their doc I'd love to hear about it. I'm thinking of saying I was reading some articles and it looks like adding X on top my TRT could provide Y benefits, which I'm interested in.