

New Member
Hi all,
So, back at the boards after a few years off. Mid fifties guy living in the states.

Story: Did a few cycles back in the old country about ~15-10 years ago. Did a bit of research and (luckily) found my ideal compound on first try, Equipoise.
Could run it fine without T, although I added Test later on.
Tried Turinabol and Masteron as well, but didn't like any of them. The reason I started was partly nagging muscle injuries that wouldn't go away, plus I noticed I started regressing. I could not keep at the weights and reps I was accustomed to.

Tried some peptides in the same time period, and didn't really like them, but did get some hgh and wifey *loved* that. "Look at my boobs, see how they've grown! Look, look at them!" (I didn't get to try, she hogged it all ;) )
Hgh was insanely expensive in the old country, and mostly faked, so it petered out. Police and customs are *very* aggressive towards these kinds of things, so getting things in through mail had about a 0% success rate.

As it turned out, my slipping poundages were the early signs of low-T. After more symptoms started coming online I started my self administered TRT. This was pretty close to impossible to get through doctors back there. But, somehow I eventually did, and life was cruising along pretty good. Lost my appetite for cycling for a while, I could actually get some gains if I worked, so, big improvement.

Skip to now, emigrated to the states four years ago, got on even higher dosages of prescribed testo, and things were even better trt-wise.
Tried BPC-157 for a nagging biceps injury, and two weeks later the thing that had been bothering me for more than half a year was history. Officially impressed.
Wife and I aren't getting any younger, so it may be time to have a second look at peptides and also hgh. Seems like it's a somewhat different world over here when it comes to accessibility, pricing and quality(?)

Trivia: Was actually a mod on a small steroid advice board back over. (No sales, or sources, just discussions). Even then I was one of the older guys, so some of the young ones named me The Roidfather. :D
(Should have picked that as my nick when I think about it..)

Anyhow, back in business, in a sense. See y'all around.