Problems to get an orgasm while on a ssri, solutions?

I would like to politely but forcefully disagree here.

I am a long term user of SSRI/SNRI medications - i will respond directly to the OP in a moment - but i just want to note my experience is that cialis 1) significantly improves sensitivity; 2) it is libido enhancing in my case; 3) it obviously improves the quality and size of erections; and 4) it assists in achieving orgasm. This is my experience only. I use duloxetine at 60mg p/d - not sure of that has any bearing

I suppose it increases sensitivity in the sense it improves blood flow and erection quality, so nerves within the skin work better.

PT-141 has no direct effect on the penis. Its function is exclusively in the brain, so the impact on sensitivity is different, profound, and its intensity is on another level.

The truth is I enjoy a combination of the two. Previously I'd take both around the same time, but I've since gone on to daily low dose so no longer bother with an "on demand" dose. Unless someone has physical ED, I wouldn't advise both for a first time PT-141 user.
OP you may need to change medicines. I was on an SSRI and I could beat that shit down u til I was about to die. I’d just roll over and say fuck it. Sucks when the ol lady thinks there’s a problem too.
I suppose it increases sensitivity in the sense it improves blood flow and erection quality, so nerves within the skin work better.

PT-141 has no direct effect on the penis. Its function is exclusively in the brain, so the impact on sensitivity is different, profound, and its intensity is on another level.

The truth is I enjoy a combination of the two. Previously I'd take both around the same time, but I've since gone on to daily low dose so no longer bother with an "on demand" dose. Unless someone has physical ED, I wouldn't advise both for a first time PT-141 user.
well - this is definitely enough of a commendation for me to get my hands on some PT141. (also, thank you for your contributions on this site @Ghoul - i enjoy reading your posts - stay cool brother, and hard!)
cialis 1) significantly improves sensitivity;
I think the confusion might come from pde5is being used to treat premature ejaculation. But that’s because if your dick works better you’re not rushing to cum. Which makes sense.

I think masteron and anavar are both wonderful for people on SSRI/SNRI meds.
It’s to my understanding that for sexual function, proviron is better than mast. At least, that’s what Type-IIx said.
No joke, Semaglutide is showing promise in relieving depression, unrelated to weight loss, suspected to be the result of reducing inflammation in the brain.

A psychiatrist being interviewed said "Why do we need to wait to confirm the mechanism of action? Other specialities, like cardiologists see there are fewer heart attacks among patients using it so they're prescribing it for that purposes, same with kidney disease.. The 'how' doesn't matter if there's a clear benefit to be gained now."

No joke, Semaglutide is showing promise in relieving depression, unrelated to weight loss, suspected to be the result of reducing inflammation in the brain.

A psychiatrist being interviewed said "Why do we need to wait to confirm the mechanism of action? Other specialities, like cardiologists see there are fewer heart attacks among patients using it so they're prescribing it for that purposes, same with kidney disease.. The 'how' doesn't matter if there's a clear benefit to be gained now."

There is unquestionably a mental dimension at play - you can observe personality changes in users, if you know them well enough before and after. It is very interesting.
There is unquestionably a mental dimension at play - you can observe personality changes in users, if you know them well enough before and after. It is very interesting.

Some researchers had stopped looking at specific addictions relieved by GLPs and just started calling it a treatment for "substance use disorder".

They're seeing 50%+ drops in alcoholism among populations of 500,000 users, similar results with opioids, cannabis, nicotine.

It's like the system is overwhelmed with too many benefits to properly investigate them all, coupled with a shortage and sky high prices they say would bankrupt the entire economy if everyone who'd benefit got them.
I was on paxil and it was almost impossible to finish….when I did which was rare….it shot far . I had to stop paxil to enjoy that part of life again. I quit cold turkey and that was a mistake. Anyone quitting paxil…quit it properly!