Problems to get an orgasm while on a ssri, solutions?

It's so effective they prescribe it off label to men with spinal cord injuries to regain enough penis sensation to successfully father children.

It's FDA approved to help women with ugly husbands get turned on again:

Maybe i can give It a try
Maybe i can give It a try

After 3 of 4 sessions, I'm confident your problem will be resolved.

Read this thread. Do not underdose. Deal with the gastric side effects the first couple of times, it's worth it. After that they'll go away permanently.

What dose of PT-141?

It's actually body weight dependent, but Vyleesi for women is 1.75mg, based on their smaller average size.

Technically it should be .025mg/kg

2.5mg is the minimum for full effect imo. I use 3.5mg, but I no longer get the gastrointestinal sides either. I really wouldn't start lower. You still get the sides. but the benefits are significantly less at a lower dose, so may as well do it properly.

It's actually body weight dependent, but Vyleesi for women is 1.75mg, based on their smaller average size.

Technically it should be .025mg/kg

2.5mg is the minimum for full effect imo. I use 3.5mg, but I no longer get the gastrointestinal sides either. I really wouldn't start lower. You still get the sides. but the benefits are significantly less at a lower dose, so may as well do it properly.
Have you been using ssri in your life?
I need that paxil then so i can last for a few… anything besides an ssri that helps u last longer? Dapoxatine gives me massive head aches
Do you know what Is the only positive thing? In this moment of my Life i really understood that i Need a Person near to me, if i was not taking the paroxetine i would have cry, now i don't cry, i Just feel sad
In that emotionally numb condition you realize the opposite of love isn't hate, it's apathy.
Do you know what Is the only positive thing? In this moment of my Life i really understood that i Need a Person near to me, if i was not taking the paroxetine i would have cry, now i don't cry, i Just feel sad

This will pass. The longer you live, the clearer it becomes that as long as you endure, everything passes. If it gets too heavy, surrender to sleep, and see what surprises life has in store for you tomorrow.
This will pass. The longer you live, the clearer it becomes that as long as you endure, everything passes. If it gets too heavy, surrender to sleep, and see what surprises life has in store for you tomorrow.
Sure, i had worst moments in my Life, saturday i meet up a girl, i liked her, Hope She asks me to go out again ahhahahaha
PT-141 restores the brain-->dick connection.

Cialis has nothing to do with sensitivity, it and Viagra only work on the plumbing. Your problem is psychogenic, and PT-141 is the nuclear weapon of getting psychogenic sexual dysfunction out of the way.
I would like to politely but forcefully disagree here.

I am a long term user of SSRI/SNRI medications - i will respond directly to the OP in a moment - but i just want to note my experience is that cialis 1) significantly improves sensitivity; 2) it is libido enhancing in my case; 3) it obviously improves the quality and size of erections; and 4) it assists in achieving orgasm. This is my experience only. I use duloxetine at 60mg p/d - not sure of that has any bearing
i am sorry to read about this situation - it is very familiar to me.

i have suffered panic disorder/anxiety/depression for 15 years and in that time i have tried many different SSRI/SNRI type medications, including: sertraline, venlafexine, desvenlafexine, vortioxetine, quetiapine (this is a fucking disgusting drug), agomelatine and duloxetine.

The last of these has proven to me to be the best in terms of minimising sexual disfunction. IMPORTANT: in all cases the sexual side effects seemed to get better (not much, but noticeably) after a couple of months. I now take cialis daily at about 10mg and it helps me alot.

i have never tried PT141 but intend to. I think masteron and anavar are both wonderful for people on SSRI/SNRI meds. add them into the mix of things to consider too.

Brother - never stop SNRI/SSRI meds without a plan and a doctor who is available to prescribe you things like valium/xanax - that is my advice. Certainly in my case, you can stop and suddenly find yourself in a fight for your life, where your opponent is the person staring back at you in the mirror.

wishing you the best of luck man

bear in mind that if you dont get another chance with this hot bitch, there are beautiful wh0res all around the world and all you need to do is hand them over some paper and fkn bang