

New Member
Howdy. Long time lurker. I even had an account I believe but can't find it.

33 here.

Getting older, pounds have creeped on. Unfortunately stopped any form of workout regime around 6 years ago.

Minimal activity outside of tending to some land and fixing everything associated with that. Day job is in development working from home.

60 lbs I could lose. Sleep apnea started two years ago. Got divorced around the same time.

T is on the lower side, liver enzymes on the higher end of normal -- same with glucose. Rest of my bloodwork is pristine.

Need to address all of the negatives while I'm young and re-establish good habits.

While T is on the lower end now, it was naturally high a few years ago. Always put on muscle easily. I'm sure it'll be a challenge moving forward.

My focus is rapid fat loss right now while maintaining some lean mass.

Just researching peptides for now. I figure most of this will be addressed once I lose all of this fat and am in better shape.

Worked with a doc to get compound tirz. Responding well. Getting enough protein/day is a challenge, though.

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I just read this over and I sound like one lazy ass.

Yeah, I am the laziest I've been. At least for a while.

But, I have been more active so far this year. Hitting the gym again and getting them steps in.

I've also ate well.

But, I've been eating far too much and still am not active enough to sustain that.

My metabolism is also a bit wonky. In 2022, I dropped 70 lbs between June and October. Divorce and depression.

I've since gained 50 of that back and have the bonus of less muscle than before.

Not looking to cut corners or lazily lose just to gain fat again.