TRT Advise


New Member
Any online clinics(USA BASED) that allow TRT without bloods.
If I show bloods of course I'll pop hot for high test.
So wondering if there are clinics that will prescribe test without bloods.
In the past I had to drop all test for a month or so to get my levels below a certain threshold.
And take two tests under that threshold.
Yes you'
Any online clinics(USA BASED) that allow TRT without bloods.
If I show bloods of course I'll pop hot for high test.
So wondering if there are clinics that will prescribe test without bloods.
In the past I had to drop all test for a month or so to get my levels below a certain threshold.
And take two tests under that threshold.
Yes you'll have to do bloods. Some places will work with you if you tell them you've been blasting. I saw an ad for I think Viking TRT and he said no need to crash your test levels. Now I don't know what happens after that.
Any online clinics(USA BASED) that allow TRT without bloods.
If I show bloods of course I'll pop hot for high test.
So wondering if there are clinics that will prescribe test without bloods.
In the past I had to drop all test for a month or so to get my levels below a certain threshold.
And take two tests under that threshold.
Any actual trt clinic will take higher than the threshold needed for actual TRT, I know of people saying they got it on 500-600 test levels.
Just drop your test for a week and youll be down, 9 day trough Im down in the 500s off of 200mg/wk test c
Anabolic Doc will not force you to crash. The low levels are standard protocol for insurance purposes. There's no law preventing a doctor from prescribing Test for whatever reason he can make a rational case for, and that includes harm reduction.

They'll prescribe test to teen girls because they feel like they should be male, ffs.
If u can show past blood work as low and requiring trt and they accept it and u show uve been on trt for x amount of tears i have never had an issue switching clinics in the past… i have scripted test and past doctor blood work…

Or do what @HUGE McBIGLARGE did haha

Tell us the secret @HUGE McBIGLARGE … what apps did u use?
Tell us the secret @HUGE McBIGLARGE … what apps did u use?
I took an old blood test PDF, put it in GIMP (prefer it to photoshop), then spent a night meticulously changing all the values to whatever I wanted. Then used a website like this Make any PDF look like scanned! to make it look less photoshopped

These days I do it differently. I use Inspect Element on my browser so I can just type out the values I want and get it done in 1% the time.

Sometimes if I want pharma grade drugs they’ll ask for proof I’ve got an existing prescription. I take a screenshot on my phone of another drug I’ve got, then photoshop that, and I photoshop the time on the screenshot to match when I send it. A phone screenshot is so “rustic” that it adds a lot more credibility.
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