hows my pct look?


New Member
I did a cycle of

week 1-10 750mg test e
week 1-6 50mg dianabol
then week 11-17 test e 500mg
and 20mg dianabol week 15-17. (I don't think that would cause liver problems)

anyways this is my planned pct...

Week..... Nolvadex.......... HCG .......... Aromasin........... Vitamin E
1 ..........20mgs/day .....500iu/day .....20-25mgs/day ..... 1000iu/day
2 ..........20mgs/day .....500iu/day .....20-25mgs/day ..... 1000iu/day
3 ..........20mgs/day .....500iu/day .....20-25mgs/day ..... 1000iu/day
4 ..........20mgs/day ........................20-25mgs/day
5 ..........20mgs/day ........................20-25mgs/day
6 ..........20mgs/day

i didn't take hcg during the cycle. (I hear SO many varying opinions on how to use hcg... like it will shut you down itself, etc)
I might do hcg a week earlier before my test e completely wears off just to kickstart the process...

if you guys want to flame me for anything... at least give me advice on my pct. I know how people LOVE to criticize but not give advice on any steroid forum. So if you criticize.... at least give me advice on the pct.

btw... how necessary is the vitamin e?

I don't want to take clomid as i know it is NOTORIOUS for causing depression ( i can confirm this first hand, not to mention women being prescribed it for fertility reasons can confirm it too)
(I hear SO many varying opinions on how to use hcg... like it will shut you down itself, etc)

The only time you should run hcg post cycle is if you didn't ran it during cycle to bring your balls back from the dormant state. The idea is to prevent the testicles from going dormant(or atrophied) through the length of the cycle.

Atrophied testicles need higher dosages of hcg to recover. Higher dosages can cause leydig cells desensitization and an increase in estrogen

I would decrease asin dosage to 12.5mgs twice per week. 20mgs per day will crash your estrogen and you will not like the joint pain, erectile dysfunction, bone density loss and everything else that come with low estrogen including looking like a patient of cancer in terminal phase.

It takes the body aprox 4 days to produce new aromatase enzymes after being destroyed by Aromasin. No need to take it everyday or to have them completely whipped out

Anything above 250ius of hcg twice a week(500ius/week) can cause leydig cell desensitization. Some people claim that two weeks of high hcg dosages is the most you should push it before desensitization occurr....
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you're pct starts out too low of a nolva dose...especially after a 17 week cycle
might wanna get some clomid too
taper the nolva down... ex: 40/40/20/20/10
6 week pct seems good tho for that length of a cycle
First it’s concernig you embarked upon a THREE DRUG AAS SEVENTEEN WEEK cycle and haven’t devoted more time to reviewing PCT. However it’s even more concerning you have yet to post any LABS.

In brief:

1) HCG is likely to be most useful in the last 1-2 weeks of a cycle, esp if testicular atrophy is noted
The “hypogonadism” evidence based dosages vary and range bt 250 to 1000 IU every 2-3 days.

2) I’m unaware of evidence supporting the use of Vit-E as a PCT supplement ?

3) SERMS the dos
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3) SERMS; when used as an “off label” indication for hypogonadism or infertility a dose of 50mg QD is typical.

4) AI’s: bc the data is so sparse there’s little to support the use of these compounds as routine PCT adjunct, with few exceptions IMO

5) FINALLY heed @ecpetreslistics “advice” at your own peril!

3) SERMS; when used as an “off label” indication for hypogonadism or infertility a dose of 50mg QD is typical.

4) AI’s: bc the data is so sparse there’s little to support the use of these compounds as routine PCT adjunct, with few exceptions IMO

5) FINALLY heed @ecpetreslistics “advice” at your own peril!

For one... its a 2 compound cycle it was just test and dianabol and a low dose of dbol at the end to cut up (i know dbol is a poor cboice for cutting but at low doses you wont notice water weight with proper diet).

At the end of the day when it comes to researching pct you will constantly hear contradictory advice. Some say nolva is more effecrive than clomid etc..

I personally cant stand clomid because of its side effects.

Also some people say 40mg of nolva is overkill and 20mg is ok...

Compared to any info you can find about steroids you can never find anyone agree on what constitues the right pct... there is always some new fad every few years on it... finding the right pct
If any of you can post any case studies regarding pct use i will be more than glad to read them... but i dont think there are any.

There are case studies on the use of steroids like test and anadrol with a fair amount of information... but sadly none regarding pct.. so my opinion leaves me believing that pct protocol is far less of an established science then the steroids themselves..
For one... its a 2 compound cycle it was just test and dianabol and a low dose of dbol at the end to cut up (i know dbol is a poor cboice for cutting but at low doses you wont notice water weight with proper diet).

At the end of the day when it comes to researching pct you will constantly hear contradictory advice. Some say nolva is more effecrive than clomid etc..

I personally cant stand clomid because of its side effects.

Also some people say 40mg of nolva is overkill and 20mg is ok...

Compared to any info you can find about steroids you can never find anyone agree on what constitues the right pct... there is always some new fad every few years on it... finding the right pct

And why do you think the approach to PCT is anything but uniform?

Bc are no controlled trials involving the use of SERMS/HCG as therapy for AIH (androgen induced hypogonadism), OPINIONS will vary considerably. (But seriously is this situation much different than the use of AAS as PEDs in general, not even close bc there’s MORE data on SERMS and HCG than many of the drugs cyclist are running)

What cyclists are stuck with are
isolated case studies, extrapolations from the use of these drugs for approved indications such as male/female infertility or male hypogonadism.

So while none of the above should be considered “definitive” it’s what we have to work with and something you
might want to review to decide your own course of therapy.

Good luck
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Maybe ill just save the hcg for another cycle... i guess i have to plan out my pct better...anyways..... is there anyway i can avoid the clomid considering that my body doesnt tolerate it well?

Again clomid when being prescribed is well known for causing depression in woman and i seem to suffer this side effect too... someone please post a pct protocol that doesnt have clomid in it
I can find a HUNDRED different protocols the problem is information overload not lack of it.

Would perhaps a simple nolva/aromasin cycle be as good as a clomid/nolva cycle?

I know nolva/clomid is the basic bread and butter but there has to be a substitute
Oops used my roommates account accidently

Fuck it... im just gonna make a new thread with some modifications to my pct see how you like it.